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Current Build:


The Centaur will be the next monster released after the Harpy has been finished off with her designs, animations, and sprites. (A note to our $20.00 patrons, we don't mind you sharing the lists or votes, or telling people how they're going, but we won't make that decision for you, keep it private, or post it publicly on a forum or in the comments, it's all of a piece to us)

There will be a month's delay between patron-only releases of the game, and after that point we will change the status of the post to a public format.

As promised, the post displaying the mechanics we had hoped to involve in the game (and as you all know, some are more buggy than others) is displayed here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mechanics-of-v0-6092308



Also something we're considering doing, but not sure if we should, is sending out the initial bug fixes only to people whose payments processed, rather than posting it publicly, but considering that this would also hurt people with declined payments, who often have legitimate reasons, we're not sure about it. To be clear, the bug fixes would be included in the next major update ANYWAY, I'm talking the hotfix being worked on right this moment in time. ~JH PS: Telling you guys this now to get a general sounding on how well recieved it would be, the team hasn't made even close to a final decision on this front.

Aromatic Hyena

That'd make it feel a lot more valuable and personal I think, the idea of paying for the progress and seeing it popping up in your inbox gives it more of a private/VIP feel I dunno how else to describe it, it also ensures that your giving it out only to people who pay for it, not just any old joe with a good sob story of why they couldn't pay

Lawrence Fishburner

I dont think that would be a good idea. It sounds alright in theory but i've had payments decline before and i would be devastated that not only did i not get to contribute to one of my favorite creators on patreon but that I'd also be punished for something that might be completely out of my control.


will you eventually (probably in the distant future once you really take off) have the same system that breeding season had where the patrons have the earliest/best build and have those that want to play for free are behind and get the inferior build; or will this always be a patron only game. thanks for taking the time to read my question.


This was decided in the previous thing. Each build will be publicly released 1 month after the initial release.


Yeah that's why I'm hesitant about it. Major content releases would never be distributed in this way, but would it be bad for things like the upcoming hotfix?


I think in terms of such things like bug fixes, it would be a good thing to do, but it might be bad as well, hard to say. First of all it gives the "tangible" feeling of "wow, I'm really contributing, cool!" to those, whose payments went through, which is really nice, and as mentioned above, it kinda has this VIP vibe to it :D And also people can be more grateful for receiving an earlier hotfix thanks to their patronage. On the other hand, those people whose payment does not go through might feel punished. Of course there are a lot of those, who are shifty etc. and I agree that they should not get to be rewarded in such case, but there are also people, who genuinely want to help, but their payments are declined/rejected by some random issues. Also, it might be quite a headache when you guys would send out the "minor" updates to the successful donators, and most probably for the next 2 weeks after that you would have to keep following up with sending the same to people, whose payments went through later, or they claim that it went through but the system doesn't show it etc etc. I guess the idea is nice in theory, but I feel like for You, the CM team, it would be just a headache to do such a thing ;)


If the time span is an issue, well, we can always delay the bug fix release to the half month mark, and send that out fully. I think anybody who was serious about paying will have found a way to do so within those 2 weeks?


Hi again. I'm sorry, I know that's not the correct topic, but I thought I would write under the newest post. I noticed that many people had problem with monsterxmonster animations being sprite, and I thought it could be a cool idea, to add a pin-up for each of those combinations (what I mean is, all those animations would remain sprite, but then there is a "climax" pin-up for each of the pairing, and it could be done either by the same artist, or guest artists etc. and of course could be in the same position, as the monsters were in the sprite animation). What do you think? It could be a good way of giving the extra "kinky" part to the monster x monster breeding, without adding too much work :)


We'll need to consider it. It's a possibility, but not even going to claim it's a strong one. Again, even if we assume it's only one picture for each pairing, that's potentially 20*20=400 pairings, even before you get into genders. Then it's 20Species*20Species*2Gender=800Combos Now let's say we even add ONE variant to each race (which already have genders). That's 20Species*20Species*2Genders*2Variants(One for each gender)=1600combos. And so on, and so forth. And I'm pretty sure my math is OFF here. I think it actually works out to be a great deal more in the end. You can see how this spirals out of control. The entire reason we are sticking to animations and pictures for just the protagonists, is that the art load increase is purely additive. If we start applying that to Monsters, then it grows exponentially instead.

Aron Marczylo

Well I feel kind of stupid. Some of my suggestions sent to the company after the alpha are right there, like the description text for abilities when in combat and etc. I'm interested in how the farming will work and I can't wait for the next build.


It's perfectly fine, if you complain about something being missing when it isn't, it means we need to up our usability and accessibility of information, so even 'false positive' bug reports are useful in their way! (Unless I mistake your meaning? x.x)


That's definitely true, I just was curious to what's your opinion about it :) It's definitely a lot of pin-ups to be made, but perhaps if in faaaaar future you guys somehow have the means, I think this could be a nice way to improve the visual side of monster breeding :)

Aron Marczylo

Right on the money there :) But yes I hadn't seen the description of what the plans for the UI were so one or two of my suggestions were things highlighted there, though the only one I remember you appear to have already set up in a plan was having a tool-tip box over abilities in combat since without them, you have no idea what they do until you use them. I ended up beating the boss before it got it's first turn.


Pls, tell me how to beat the 1st boss before his turn?


Right now there's a bug in the code for how debuffs work. If you slam the Boss with the very first ability for the protagonist every single chance, it'll slow him enormously.


If you consider that you have 20 species total, it's actually 190 pairings for the base monsters. Then 780 if you add gender variants. Finally, if you had a variant for each gender, it becomes 3160. Yes, that many.


Hey TN Loving how much you've been able to put out in such a short amount of time, just wondering (not to pester as I'm sure you've received this question a hundred times in the last few days) is the any update on the status of e-mails? :)


i would love to see dragon or lizard man on the next poll :)


keep in mind that all possible pairings are involved, m/m, f/f, m/f, so nothing stops a cat being paired with a cat, or a centaur with a centaur. So that's why you have 20*20 to begin with. Curious about your math though so I can remember it for the future.


We've managed to get the system functioning now we think, there might be a few duplicates sent out, for which we apologize, but new entries will be added to the system shortly.


the link in my email just lead me to a big fat error screen


If you just say it is 20*20=400 pairings for the base monsters, it's like you consider catgirl x harpy is different from harpy x catgirl, so you count several times the same pairing. That's why you need to use combinations to calculate how many pairings are possible : <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combination" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combination</a>


For example, if you want the number of pairings for 20 different species its "2 combination 20" so 190. But you are right I forgot that a monster can breed with another monster of the same type, so you can use the formula for "number of combinations with repetitions" (see the wikipedia page), or just add the number of monsters to the figures I gave earlier. So for the base monsters it is 190+20=210 pairings. For gender variants it is 780+40=820 pairings. If you add another variant to each gender it is 3160+80=3240 pairings.


You can use an online calculator like this one to calculate combinations : <a href="http://m.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/discretemathematics/combinations.php" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://m.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/discretemathematics/combinations.php</a>


Send a reply to us on this and tell us. It's important we nip this in the bud if there's problems.


Basically it's a sh*tload of drawings to be done. But perhaps if there would be nothing else to be done, you guys could involve outside artists? Like fans for example. It doesn't have to be paid for, only free commissions, and then the team members are not shouldering the extra work ;) But of course that's something for a far future, I just wanted to know what were everyone's thoughts on such an idea ;)


wait, where should I send the reply? What do you need from me, just a copypaste of the error or something?


I think i figured out what to do, check the link where you get redirected to and delete the part before http


Send the reply, and forward the message with the broken link, to CloudMeadowGame@Gmail.com. Describe what's going wrong.


When I try forwarding the original email, its getting flagged as spam and not letting me D:


Ah, the download link itself is being flagged as spam when I try to do a reply email.


Final Update: Followed what Pakk Suggested and deleted the extra text before http, fixed it up no problem, I was able to download.


We'll make sure that in future we just provide the link and not the built in attachment system