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Your friendly neighborhood Foxy Paladin here,

 We want to remind all potential Free Access users that we cannot search for you on Patreon via name or email address. We need your profile page URL, no exceptions. Do not send us screenshots unless we ask or you have a creator account (you will still need to send us your link to your Patreon page). We have over 300+ users on our mailing list now so by doing this you help us streamline the process. Thank you for being patient and working with us as we do our best in improving our system.

I'm still sending out emails so please keep checking your inbox for an email from cloudmeadowfreeaccess@gmail.com. If you do not receive your email at the end of the week, please email us at cloudmeadowgame@gmail.com. 

Edit2: Do not send your emails to cloudmeadowfreeaccess@gmail.com. We cannot reply to them from there. If you have a problem with your free access emails, then forward the email with a description of the problem to cloudmeadowgame@gmail.com.


Judge Heath here.

To those of you who do not know, we are offering all releases at the $5.00 patronage level to those who can provide proof that they are a former breeding season patron. We have already been providing this for coming up on 2 weeks now, and it seems to be going smoothly, the initial launch of the system was rough, but it's moving along now.

We think we've cleared out the backlog, or at least are on our way towards doing so. The last two weeks have given us an idea of what works, and what doesn't, and so we have to institute some changes.

1) Please, only send it as an email request to CloudMeadowGame@Gmail.com . Requests by way of the Patreon messaging system will no longer be accepted, and if you have submitted by that method, and not gotten a response, then please, send us an email just in case, as the recent flood of messages due to bugs, questions, and sending out rewards, has largely buried such requests, and we cannot be certain that you will be processed even if we go looking for you.

2) We are no longer accepting screen shots of your "Creations Supported" page. Please, link your profile's "Creations Supported" page. The URL will look like this: https://www.patreon.com/user?pat=1&ty=c&u=1234567 . Due to some people mucking with the system, attempting to trick us into providing them with a free copy of the game even though they were not a former patron by photoshopoing their patreon "Creation's Supported" Page, and a few other attempted shenanigans. We really do need you guys to link the "Creation's Supported" Page, with public viewing made possible. Even if the page no longer contains the relevant data (or you are a creator yourself), please link it in your initial email, and do not supply screen shots unless we request them. We know there are cases of people who can't get at it in their system anymore, and that's fine, we have work arounds for that, but we need to see the "Creation's Supported" page regardless.

So, to recap. We need the following two things.

1) For it to be sent to CloudMeadowGame@Gmail.com

2) For you to link your "Creations Supported" Page (example: https://www.patreon.com/user?pat=1&ty=c&u=1234567 ), screen shots only to be submitted by our request.

In return you will get 3 months free access to any builds we publish through patreon, including hotfixes, plus the cheat codes. Yes, you will get these even if you are already subscribing, but below the $5.00 level, and yes, any money you pledge will still be processed.

Thank you for your patience with us in getting this all sorted out.



People actually try to lie for freebies? The gall...


It is comically disgusting actually. When you consider the scale to which people will go for this. A lewd video game may seem like very little compared to benefit fraudsters but then both of these things can have an affect on whether people eat.


Im not lying i was actually a Breeding Season lover :( Sad the whole thing went down, all of the designs were so great! I pledged about 30 a month to get as much access as possible, guess ill have to pledge here now :D


Also excuse my name XD New account


This game is every $ worth. I will pay this 15$. You are worth it!^^


I have actually applied for the free access, but have yet to receive any emails beside the confirmation. (Sorry to disturb with this)


I got the email, but something's wrong, where should i email the details to ?


<a href="http://breedingseasongame.blogspot.de/?zx=f8030012a5110d76" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://breedingseasongame.blogspot.de/?zx=f8030012a5110d76</a> fucking stealer


<a href="http://s-purple.tumblr.com/post/147484294391/breeding-seasons-cancelation-my-side-of-the" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://s-purple.tumblr.com/post/147484294391/breeding-seasons-cancelation-my-side-of-the</a> If you want to read it go ahead. But please refrain from accusing without seeing both arguments. We dont want any hate in this community.


sorry my english suck : i have read 3 time but i don't understand why did we need to send you a mail with your profile page ? For acces what ? (si un français passe dans le coin je t'en supplie explique moi T__T )


Unfortunately the last time I supported Breeding Season was back in May, but this is still a nice gesture though.


I just checked your profile. It's still listed. You just have to provide the link in an email to us.


Nous travaillons pour obtenir un ensemble d'instructions traduit pour vous. &gt;You're just lucky french is a major language where I am x.x we won't normally do this.


I read both and just reading hbombs made me notice he was in the wrong first off he is trying to use loopholes and illegal maneuvers to get access to the art i think of it like this if fenoxo was the one helping s purple it would get done much better and faster with more text and detail on a regular basis i never put purple in the wrong but i did not see a point in getting onto anyone until i read the hate speech hbomb put out. I was known as ohlveric when i spoke on the blogs and i just have to say this isn't hate this is disappointment that hbomb would use such cowardly measures when even the posts he put did not put any real bad sides to purple. This looks promising im looking forward to patroning it when i actually manage to get a job and its designs are already better and from what i saw in the thumbs much more scriptingly progressed than any of breeding season EVER was


Did you apply for free access before the original build was released on the 30th? Or was the confirmation emailed AFTER that?


I would love to support this game if I knew it was going places, but after what happened with breeding season, I'm unsure. If this game makes progress and shows steady updates, I'm pretty sure me and a few friends of mine would jump on board supporting you like we did Breeding seasons, (I stopped supporting BS about two months ago after i realized not much was being done or added).


That's perfectly reasonable. Why not sign up for our free access list in the mean time? That way you can get steady updates for 3 months and see us going.


So if I Pledge 5$ and did not support Breeding season before ( paypal payment was implemented later on as a payment option), I dont get updated versions of the demo?


If you pledge 5$, you get access to the earliest Demo and Animation Gallery Codes, regardless of whether or not you supported Breeding Season


The game is never going to to be finished


I'm pretty sure that Team Nimbus plans to do public releases after that, so updated versions of the demo will already be public access, hence EVERYONE will already have access to them, regardless of if they're backing or not.


Because there hasn't been a promised yet that he will finish it


After breeding season


First of all: That's not an argument... Second of all: Yes there was. They are planning to have a fully playable game in 2 years, and eventually add extra stuff after that.


I'm a little confused. Did you not see the posts about us planning this along a 2 year timeline and that we plan to close this down and finish it off within that time span?


If you're a paying supporter you WILL get the updated version of the original demo. We're working out the last kinks today and now deciding on if we should release immediately or wait for the 15th and send it out to everyone whose payments have cleared.


So you're the person at the racetrack online betting on things that I know that may not happen


I don't like throwing my money on things that might happen why should I fund a project that might get done


I'm not sure what you mean? The whole point of donating money towards this project is to support the team, while they're making the project. No matter which patreon you would support, it's always a risk. It's up to you to determine if a project has a promise. And many people can see the dedication and transparency that Cloud Meadow has, thanks to which we chose to support the team. We observed their work, we gave it a thought, we read the BS drama and we ended up here. It's that simple


First of all, please stop spamming. Write everything in one comment...


Well there is 4 things i noticed here. 1. The art is 3 times better than what hbomb was putting in 2. the games scripts are more detailed from what the screenshots show(i cant patron yet) 3. the people working on it obviously respect eachother 4. Hbombs action of flaming will also make a lot of new supporters that transfer from breeding season. those together mean he actually made it more likely to succede with his hate speach on breeding season


Little confused on why you're on a crowd funding site at all then. But that is your prerogative. Feel free to follow us and observe however! ~JH PS: You can also reply to your own posts by clicking on the little left pointing arrow under them, and edit them by clicking the ... and then the pencil.


are you guys still sending out emails to those that were signed up i havent recieved one yet


we should be, check out the post above just incase. We've been having a lot of trouble with our email system recently.


I cant get past the part with the cowgirl and catgirl when the animations pop up the dont go away and i cant procede any further. Is that as far as the game is right now? Or am i doing something wrong.


We've actually solved that bug for the hot fix which will be coming in a few days.


I played the alpha of the game. It's so buggy it's actually funny. But I think we can really see the potential. I'm really looking forward to the next version.