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Judge Heath here,

S-Purple has been pulling 12-18 hour streaming shifts almost entirely without breaks for the past 2 or so weeks. I'm officially shutting him down until after the demo is released, as we have all the art assets we need for the demo done. The writing is done. The major systems are programmed in, and are being assembled by Wilson Wobbletop, and our new programmer, Alniarez (who will be taking over for Wilson as our chief programmer). So everything is looking at a July 30th first demo release. Right on time as we promised, that said, our artists are wiped, and any streams done will not be by S-Purple until after the 30th, as I'm putting him on strict rest.

After the release, we'll probably take a day or two to get over the crunch rush, and then get onto a more reasonable schedule. 8 hour work days, 5 days a week, rather than the mad rush of activity we've been doing to clean up our rep, so weekends will be off for our members.

In the upcoming demo, you'll see examples of dialogue, movement, sex scenes, and the new combat system.

On the day of the launch, all 2 dollar backers will be able to access the update post. I'll also be changing the previous mechanics post to be entirely visible by everyone. Then we send out emails to all 5 dollar backers with the codes, and emails to everyone logged into our system with a copy of the demo and the codes. Finally I'll be posting the first voting list for our $20 backers, letting them choose the first of the three male monsters from our list of 11 options (9 male, 2 gender indeterminate, if the $20 backers choose, they are free to share this list), to set what S-Purple will work on after we finish off the harpy.

The next update will be getting down to the basics of the farm system. The initial breeding/genetics stuff, the ability to maintain and plant things, and maybe even a bit of house customizability if we have the spare time in Alpha v1.02.

Thanks for sticking with us this far guys, we hope you will not be disappointed with the demo.



Rest well S-Purple. We don't want you dead yet.




I said it often, that purple need somone to take care of him. good job judge. i hope, everthing works as intended.

Lawrence Fishburner

So how comfy will the game be? Like will it be possible to play around with cooking and farming mechanics without necessarily needing to engage that much with the breeding system? Being able to cook a nice meal you grew yourself and sitting down at the table with your companions with little bonuses sounds a lot more interesting to me than grinding stats to try to breed the perfect monster

Joel E.

Nap time is important

Aromatic Hyena

So the game demo will be release on Saturday? Seriously can't hardly wait, I'm also looking forward to the voting poles as well!


I always said there was a good reason for you to be here Judge. Glad to see you making the difference. Recovery from exaustion takas far more time than some days of rest.


Good job S-Purple! Remember to pace yourself! Also, Judge Heath, thanks for keeping us so well informed and keeping a firm handle on the management side of things. Super excited for demo WOO!


Seriously impressive progress! A working demo in less than a month? Astounding work. That said, by all means take on a more sustainable pace from here on out, too!


This is how Breeding Season should have been done. Good goddamned work.


Actually that's probably going to be far easier to do in our game than avoiding dungeons and combat. You can probably go either entirely breeding, or entirely farming, but a lot of our story stuff is tied up in dungeons (even if you go into them with just NPCs rather than your monster companions), so that's harder to miss out on than either breeding or farming. Farming I think will be a lot slower than breeding when it comes to earning money, but not impossible.


Great job yo!


Judge and the whole Team, you guys are awesome, the streams were amazing! Keep up a good pace and always remember to rest


Whew. That's a lot of work. I'm starting to feel good about this project. S-Purple deserves the break.


300 away from a full time animator nice job guys XD


Awesome, I'm so hyped to start voting also I'm glad spurple is getting some much needed rest.


Will there be a free public release of the alpha at any point in time? Or will this be a strictly pay-to-play game?


S-Purple. Please. Sleep. Go jogging. Anything, just...take a break a break, man. Seriously.


Yeah, force the artist to sleep. Sometimes driven people are tooooo driven.


Jesus Christ Now THIS is an update post Thank you for the clear objectives friends.

Jathby Dredas

June 30th will be the proof that settles the initial speculation, best of luck!


Nice job shutting S-Purple down; serious risk there of death by art.


If you're a former breeding season patron, you apply to us with proof and your email, and we'll email it to you when we release, along with the codes. The full public release will happen at a time based on a vote by our $2.00+ patrons with the first release. Either 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 month, or 'at the time of the next release'

Dr. Supersocks

I'm glad you guys are making a distinct effort to schedule and pace yourselves, while still meeting the deadline. Good project management is something a lot of indie projects lack. I think that S-Purple still feels somewhat responsible for the BS debacle and is determined to not let it happen again. While that is good to hear, it is imperative that you guys don't burn out early and begin to lost interest in the project.


good works and good lucks! you guys taking this very seriously, which is reflecting positively ( ' u ')7


Awesome awesome awesome :D I can't wait for the demo, and to see what you guys make of the project further on. And definitely keep the 8h 5days a week schedule from now on. We don't want you guys to overheat :D


Good for you Judge Heath, making Spurple rest before he hurts himself trying to remake 3+ years worth of work in three months or something. I'm on pins and needles with excitement, and very glad I've decided to back you guys.


I'm going to be honest. I'm going to be incredibly disappointed in us as a team if we can't manage to surpass Breeding Season's mechanics in less than 3 months. Animations and Characters? Yeah, that's going to take longer. But for us to be valid we're going to have to prove that Breeding Season's problems lay in programming not in art, and the only way to do that is to show how much faster it can be done when you have people actually working at it. P.S. going to try to make this the last thing I ever say on Breeding Season. We're a spiritual successor to that game, but we can't keep bringing it up after we get rolling.


No worries about us burning out. I got my clue bat (clue gavel?) for if anybody on the team is pushing themselves too hard.


Oh, I suspect you're going to blow Breeding Season out of the water, but not if Spurple kills himself trying to redo and surpass all that art in that short a time. You guys have already more then pulled your rep out of the trash heap to me at least. But as Terriermon in Digimon Tamers said 'Momentai! That means take it easy!' You've got to find a pace other than breakneck, which I'm sure you'll manage.

Aron Marczylo

I was afraid that he may have been doing too many streams. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy the streams, far from it, but I was afraid that doing them so much and so often would result in burnout. After all, we are all humans and can't act like machines all the time. Not to mention as you stated, you've got more than enough art assets to get a demo ready for us investors to experience a small taste before it gets into full gear. Plus I'm glad I managed to start donating when I did considering I wanted to vote on the next few races that are to feature, maybe even suggest a race or two.

Aron Marczylo

This game also reminds me "Tales of BoinBoin" from DL Site, but sadly that game is only in Japanese and the studio behind it continue to release really great games, but none of them have been translated which is a real shame. Also unlike this game, you only have a cow (though I've seen pics where you can catch other races, like a harpy) and get to have sex with other women in the town, however I never got too far in it as I don't speak Japanese and couldn't progress much further in the game as I was....as you could say..."Lost in Translation"


The demo is going to be super buggy at this rate. Programmer fatigue has kicked in now (Wobbletop has been putting in just about as many hours as S-Purple, and out of pure necessity we can't get him to stop as he's also teaching Alniarez the ropes of more esoteric Unity functions). I hope we don't disappoint too much with a thing built in literally 10 days.

Aron Marczylo

oh I have no doubt it'll be buggy and I certainly won't be let down by it. Only way you could let me down with the demo would be if all the characters were replaced with indistinct stick-figures and the whole game's dialog hadn't been written into it. Ontop of that, I have been supporting both City of Titans and Valiance Online. Both games are attempts to make a spiritual successor to my favour MMO of all time when it was unceremoniously shut down and both are taking years before they are ever finally complete. VO has a alpha build ready for people to play, but when I was trying it earlier my character's body was messed up and looked more like Rayman with the missing arms and legs replaced with a giant white block with two feet at the bottom. I'm sure what you have for us will be great in terms of giving us a early taste of what to come.