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Judge Heath here,

The last few components are going in as we speak. Including the main menu animation album, credits, the placeholder UI for a lot of systems that are simply going to look super pretty without actually doing anything yet, combat animations (combat is working, but it's not pretty yet), the most basic of combat balance, and finding all the massive initial bugs.

Me and Wilson are both headed out for the weekend due to prior obligations from before joining this project (we did only join around 10 days ago), and Alniarez is keeping up work while we're on the road. We'll be finishing this entire thing off tonight once we arrive at our destination. Regardless of the level of polish though, we'll be putting out the super basic alpha, displaying the most bare bones of systems we wanted to include.

We're all super excited to be pulling the first systems together today, and then all that's left is waiting for feedback from you guys (We're considering setting up a forum specifically for bug hunting, alternatively a feedback/bughunting post on the patreon, not sure which would be best since we're already looking at 2-3 posts for this release what with votes and such). While the initial demo will be only like, 10 minutes max play, we all hope that the potential for expansion will be obvious from what very little we show.

Homestretch guys. Talk to you tomorrow, and after that, we'll be back on schedule coming Monday.

Edit: Also a PSA for any former Breeding Season Backers. I will be giving the cloudmeadowgame@gmail.com inbox ONE passthrough tonight before we release. If you're not in our system then, you miss out on this month's release. Any emails for free access registration following that last pass through will be entered into our system for the August-October releases (Anybody currently signed up will get the releases from July-September), this includes people who try to register but fail to do so for various reasons (didn't give us proper proof of previous support, didn't give us their email if they sent it through the Patreon message system, didn't link their account at all when they emailed us, etc.)

Also, please remember, if you are a backer already, signing for this system won't stop your contributions from being collected by Patreon. Our system is completely separate from Patreon's, and is just an email mailing list.



What did I have to do if I was a previous backer of Breeding Season?


Send us an email at the address I gave above, including a link to your profile's "creation's supported" page, made publically displayable. Or as large a screen shot of that page as you can give us. You can find yours here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/user?pat=1&amp;ty=c&amp;u=3011538">https://www.patreon.com/user?pat=1&amp;ty=c&amp;u=3011538</a> If you're a $2 supporter, then you'll still send us $2, but you'll get the cheat codes for this release for free, without having to upgrade to the $5 level If you withdraw your patronage after signing up, you'll still get the email.


10 to 14 days, you guys came up with a working demo in about two weeks, not counting what Spurple had done before hand. *Bows.* You guys deserve kudos for this, and I pray an explosion of pledges.


Thanks for working so damn hard you guys, this is amazing. You've managed to push this out in such a short amount of time, its really just beyond and above.


Привет! Спасибо за ваше старание, надеюсь ваша новая игра будет развиваться с быстрее прошлого проекта, удачи вам и творческих побед!


Very well done so far. I am glad you guys are so transparent with CM. Often creators forget how important it is to keep his backers informed, even if it´s minor stuff to talk about.


This has been impressive, hopefully they keep it up. This all goes a long way to provide a better legacy for this team and it's project.


so close to getting your 6k!!


this is just shit blatantly used from breeding season, a project in which S literally killed


literally 32 away from a full time animator XD


is there a release date for this game?


Congrats on 6k guys!


What exactly does it mean for me if I was a breeding season backer? And would I need to do anything? Sorry, I just want to know just in case I missed something. I've been a patron for this project as well.


You can email us, and get the $5.00 for free if you've not already applied at that level.


Oh, well I do believe I already am. And I really do appreciate the fast reply. I honestly wasn't expecting it. Thank you ^^


Where would I email you at? I have been unable to find an email address...


Yaaay, 6k reached! That means one of my favourite animators is going to be working on this project :D So happy right now :D

Brittany Moo

Good job on the 6 grand! I'm so happy the animator is fulltime. Can't wait for the demo!!!


Full time animator!


3 down 4 to go

Aron Marczylo

Congratz on reaching the full-time animator goal!


Thank you everyone! We're in the last stage of critical bug fixing. Even if we nail every super critical bug, mind that this thing is still going to be a mess. Our programmers have only had 10 days, and while each individual system works as we intend, when you plug in the art assets, and then hook them all together, it's always going to break in unexpected ways. There's also design features we'll probably be stripping immediately for the next build (mostly walls of text, but a few things we thought were going to work, but just don't, and you'll see that in this build more than likely, because we don't habe the time to strip them out and replace them, and also fix the bugs that make the alpha demo unplayable). A lot of the team is unhappy about putting out a buggy release, but we promised you a build today, and hopefully it'll also act as a demonstration of how very much we can get done given 10 days and almost no polish at all. That said, we're looking at a release around 3-4:00pm PST. (or around 6 hours from now)


i think team nimbus should open up a blog for people fallowing the project


Not matter how jank, buggy or short, you still got an *actual thing* together in such a short amount of time, and I personally, am impressed(and kind of worried on Sparp's part, don't die man). Do Fight Yeah! ... at a more reasonable pace. Haha.


Will you plan to open a forum to find and catalog bugs, or is there another option?


I agree, I think most of your contributors are well aware that this is still a very early alpha. If you give us a way to report bugs (how to replicate them and such) it will allow the community to aid :)


I think while we all admire and appreciate this initial rush you guys are giving, but now that the initial demo release is at hand, don't forget to care for yourselves and remember that this is a marathon rather than a sprint, don't burn yourself


The intro after choosing my character seems to be very unresponsive, works sometimes when i press enter, but other times its just stuck.