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You have really been cracking down on this game haven't you?👍🏼


Working hard, setting achievable goals, and making a quality game........I think Spurple has reaffirmed that he is a Badass!


I liked Breeding Season. But after comparing the two this one seem a bit more flushed on this to do. As where BS was kinda linier and straight forward in the story. That why looking at how the changes are being made I like this variation better. I was really mad when I heard this happen and it seems most new outlets are saying its S-purples falt. But now I'm kinda happy to the new changes. But in all honest mess I'm still made we have to wait a bit longer for a game. I know I'm not a donator. But I wish I had the funds to right now. But all I can hope it turns out ok. And not another roadblock or cancelation.


The question I have that leaves me on the fence, is how free will you be to do what you want? Will you have to use every or most of the mechanics to be successful? Or will the game take more of a 'Stardew Valley' approach where the mechanics are entirely separate, but still very interesting when weaved together? Could a person ignore a portion of the game and still be rewarded meaningfully? Like many others, I was torn between sides with the Breeding Season split, and that game was interesting because it had a unique mechanic that I enjoyed. I am hoping that with this game I can focus on the elements I enjoy before support it.


this guy could have finished breeding season and then worked on this as a team all to together. lol s-purple your a moron bye no support from me or my friends.


That wasn't possible. S was one of the last people who left the game, and HBomb, as revealed by the Dev Files, had all but stopped working on the game a long time ago.


It's something we're trying to address in our game, but it is likely in the very earliest builds that you'll need to do a bit of everything.


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP_U4OQycZc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP_U4OQycZc</a>


This video only contains information given by H-bomb. You should read Spurple's side on his Tumblr. It's important to know both sides of the story. Besides, just look at it this way. Once BS died, Spurple took HIS SHARE of the money, and invested it in a new project, with actual project manager, and he is proving time and time again, that he is committed and ambitious about the new game. What did HBomb do? He threw a tantrum, wrote a disgusting post on the blog, trying to blame everyone but himself, took the money and left (you can even see that he does not reply to a single comment on his own post). Not to mention he released real life information on Spurple and told people to dox him. I mean, it's clearly visible, who is the one trying to hide the guilt.


That, and also, what makes you say that he could've finished Breeding Season first? Spurple was regularly working and giving results for BS, it's not his fault if the animations took so long to make (understandably) and that H was promising too much for the fans. If you took a closer look at the progress of BS, you will clearly see that basically the whole 2016 was only kept alive by the art department (meaning Spurp, Nilly and Subtank), while poor Fleetart was trying not to lose his mind on fixing the bugs.


From my outside perspective (I had no stake in BS) and after studying both sides, it's rather telling how calm and factual Spurple's response has been compared to the emotional and destructive appeals made by H-bomb. This alone speaks to Spurple's professionalism, even if all the details have yet to come to light.


I could swear this post had been made weeks ago, verbatim...


I really dont give a shit about this i just want a game like this or breading season to be made.

Andy Frels

Man So this is the Rip off S went H's back for

Andy Frels

*Went behind

Andy Frels

Man I get that work on BS all but stopped but that was still a slightly sucky thing to do

Andy Frels

Thanks mate I've read but I still think it's kinda crappy to bail on a business partner in this manner


This is precisely why I decided to support this. I doubt we will ever know exactly what happened for sure, but the significant difference between Hbomb's temper tantrum and the fact that SPurple seemed to take a few days to cool down and write a far more professional explanation makes a HUGE difference to me.


JH Here: I just wish the news media outlets felt the same way. I'm far beyond salty now that only one of them, the one who reported on us first and foremost, actually updated, even going so far as to write an entirely new article to insure his readers would see it.


The most recent media source I saw that reported on the incident acknowledged both sides of the story and referenced the details given by both sides, though ultimately they still deemed S's actions and decisions to be reprehensible and dishonourable, and generally done in poor form. Taking a few extra days to spin it better and craft prettier-sounding words don't cover that up in the end, at least not to people trying to be fair to both sides... and fair to both sides is that h spun his post for sympathy, S spun his for justification, both are guilty of reprehensible conduct, but H's poor behaviour seems only to come as a result and response (granted an immature and childish response, but a response nonetheless) to S's. Besides... all those media articles publicising the split are indirectly going CM more exposure and coverage. As most of them state - this is a market in demand, and people, regardless of their feelings about who betrayed whom, will still come here to look. If you guys are indeed making a good game, and deliver on your promises, then this coverage will only benefit you. I don't disagree with the sources that reprimand S's decisions and actions as abominable... but in this, he alone has my ire; I wish no ill-will on CM, or on any of the other team members... but they will have to craft something truly stellar, and be themselves bastions of good conduct and integrity, and continue to be so through the entire production cycle, before I would ever consider supporting a game with S at the head.


Small correction, Arka: BS didn't die. S-Purple demanded a full and complete shut down of it, couched in heavily threatening pseudo-legal wording.


Many feel the same way, which is why S will ultimately get away with his dishonorable bahaviour.


Umm, did he now? Because as much as I know Spurple didn't demand a full shut down, he demanded that his art is not being used in the game. Those are 2 different things. Let me quote Spurple for you: "I knew I could not leave the art in his hands, or the project would have simply died a slow death, taking a good chunk of our patron’s money with it. HBomb has all the programming, all the animation skeletons, and more than enough money to establish a professional development studio, and including the hiring of an entire team of artists full time, if he so chose, once I left. That he has not done so should be full evidence that my pulling the art was the right decision, as I highly doubt my leaving it under his supervision would have allowed development to continue at any pace above a stand still. Further, instead of putting patron money into development, HBomb chose to do nothing toward development, quite the contrary. HBomb chose to publicly destroy the project, and leads one to question just what use will be made of the remaining development funds under his unfettered control? One can only surmise that that it will probably involve vacation travel, in keeping with HBomb’s serial disappearances since August, 2015." I know that you chose Hbomb's side, but this patreon page is for another project. If you want to come here and try to sway people away, at least have the decency of checking both sides of the story and knowing your facts. I at least bothered to read what S, Nilly, Hbomb had to say, and after giving it a thought, I chose to support Cloud Meadow in its early development, BECAUSE IT HAS MORE PROMISE THAN BS EVER HAD. I never supported BS financially, because I was 95% sure that it would fall apart at some point. And guess what? It did.


I just still don't understand one thing: Why is it okay that Vanilly left the project, and everyone went basically "oh okay, all the best for her!", but when Spurple wanted to leave the project at the end of the month (which Hbomb found about earlier and that led to the sh*tstorm we have now), huge amount of people went ballistic? "F*ck Spurple, what an a**hole!" "Disgusting behaviour, pffft!". I mean, why? Can someone please explain to me why a worker, who decided to change his job because, well let's be honest, the boss sucked, why would that worker be put under a spotlight as the bad guy? Spurple literally just left BS in order to work on a better project with a better team management. And in order to avoid any misunderstandings, he pulled his art assets from BS, because he knew that they would not be used in good (they would just be an excuse to keep BS charging money from people), and also to avoid CM being called a "copycat" of BS. So, once again I ask. Why is Spurple's behaviour "abominable, poor, disgusting etc."? Because money is involved? Because he took his art from BS ( I repeat, HIS ART)? Because after he left, Hbomb decided to kill BS? Why?


Erica, I can see you writing all those nice comments about S. Tell me, which part of his behaviour is dishonorable? And isn't Hbomb the one responsible for keeping BS alive? Where is Hbomb? He wrote the despicable post on BS's blog, and since then he disappeared. He could've kept going with a new team, but he chose to take the money and run away (he doesn't even reply to the comments on the blog). So after all that Hbomb has done to kill BS, why are you saying that Spurple's behaviour is the "dishonorable" one?


Hbomb's approach is so much better? Encouraging ppl to hack the dropbox account ("wouldn't that be funny") and saying in the headline Spurp "single-handedly" killed the game? Very professional indeed.

Andy Frels

Tbh I didn't agree with either approach but Yea H kinda lost his shit

Andy Frels

And while the Spurple approach negatively impacted development on a large scale he didn't single handedly destroy the game because Vanilly was quitting too


actually because s-p vetoed the decision to bring on a new project lead (because h admitted to not being fully equipped to do that job) the team remain in chaos when it could have easily been avoided, mind you h was kinda retarded for even giving s-p such an insane contract in the first place


Not really. If you watch the streams, you see it's quite a different product.


Aren't you the same one who was complaining saying S was terrible and he won't see a single cent from you. Yet here you are, stalking this game even on patreon l m a o


Judge, I would like to know the tone of the story of this game is going to be more to the comedic side (as BS), or if will go more the serious side (not like Final Fantasy, of course, I mean serious like avoiding poor jokes, puns or exagerations).


I don't think the contract was that insane. They were partners, so each one would get half of the game. Ok, HBomb has started everything, but only after SPurple joined was that the project began to grow. I don't really think the contract was the problem here, but the atitude from both, HBomb for let the fame and money go over his head and SPurple to do not allow him the right to drown alone.


is there a way to play this game at the moment? if so, can you send me a link?


The first alpha build is supposed to be out for patrons at the end of the July/beginning of August.


Short answer, yes, he did. It's logged, in his own words, and his response to the claim was not to deny it, but to 'justify' it by saying that he felt it would be better for everyone (patrons) if BS was not permitted to continue. Yes, he insisted on a shut down, rather than the far more reasonable approach of negotiating continued fair use of assets - his excuse being that it was in 'our' best interest. If you read the rest of my posts here, Arka, you'll see that I'm not taking sides at all; I'm interested only in fair information and an even-handed approach. If you read my posts, you'd also know that I've read as much of the information that we have available, from both sides, and from third parties... apparently more thoroughly than you have. I am not, nor have I ever tried to sway anyone away from this project - I'm watching it myself, and I have no ill will towards it, as I've said many times now.


How many times do I need to say that I am watching this project with interest, and I have no ill feelings towards it, I wonder? Arka, why don't you try reading some of my posts? I outline the ways in which I feel S has behaved poorly wherever they happen to come up. I also outline the ways in which H behaved poorly as well. I'm not taking sides, just pointing out details in order to calm the rabid fanning that occurs on -both- sides. I believe in praise where it's due, and not where it isn't, and the events that led to the split and all that went on there commends no praise for either party involved. The short of it is, there are a dozen different ways S could have handled the situation - his behaviour leading up to the split, and during it, are what I am judging him on, and I find the actions and choices, from amongst the MANY options he had, to be despicable. That soil does not rub off on the rest of the team involved in this project, and thus far they seem to be doing an honest job of things.


Here are some blunt 'Why' answers for you, if you can't glean them form other sources, Arka: Vanilly had put in her notice ahead of time, and in her letter her reasons cite lack of direction from art elad (that's S), lack of help from other artists (again, S not doing his job), and being pushed into roles she wasn't hired for (poor project management, that's on H). S did not give notice. S worked on a new project in secret, during a month when he was being employed to work on BS. He says he never intended to take the money for the month, and believe that if you will - he still collected it, and even if he had intended not to, he still went behind the back to start the new project while hew as still contracted with the old. Poor form, and unnecessarily so. He internally sabotaged BS for months prior to this - H had promised a project manager to keep everyone on track, and claims that S continually road blocked him on trying to get one. S does not deny this - his response was to ackowledge a conversation where H admitted that he wasn't up to the task of project manager, and that they needed to get a dedicate done... and S responded by demanding that H had to be the one to do it. - I note agian for clarity, that being directly after H had said clearly that he wasn't capable or fit for doing that job. Poor form, and unfair behaviour. Upon the split, H attempted to negotiate continued use of existing assets, as they'd 'agreed implicitly' was to be open at the end of a contract; it wasn't legally a part of the loose contract, and S abused that detail to shut him down hard, and further demanded that the patron be pulled and the project closed until such a time as his owned assets were stripped from the game. This was unnecessarily spiteful and destructive. He had ALL the power in that situation, and he chose to take the most spiteful and destructive route. His justification for this is no justification at all, and frankly it's one I find mildly offensive to boot. the tone his response carried (and it's a response he took time and days to craft for the best possible spin), was that he judged that the old project was going nowhere and that he was doing a kindness to patrons by doing everything in his power to terminate it. People ALSO jumped at S but not Vanilly over this because... and do read this bit carefully Arka... He's done this before. That's the short list for why many people are jumping down S's throat over this.... are you going to read it this time?