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Hi everyone!

As mentioned in the release post, I didn't work on Caliross for a couple of days, but now we are back at it. This week, I think I'll take care of a bunch of smaller things. I want one more scene with Jiro (so we can wrap up the werewolf path), I added the "alpha-in-training" variant for the ending already, so the new scene should be everything I need for the path.

Other things I want to add include pregnancies with a few characters (one of them would be Jiro, for example), write some more dialogues that reference/react to what the players have done (if you are picked by the emperor, the other girls should have something more to say about it), and much more. If you have suggestions along those lines (like, events/choices which should trigger more newspaper or reactions from specific NPCs), direct them my way!

After this week, I should try to wrap up as many things as possible in the magic academy, so I'll have to write a few more scenes, for sure. After that I'll try to figure out what I can do with the time I have left, and then the release should be around the corner.

A hotfix might be coming soon as well (there a couple of bugs I fixed, and one is kind of nasty, so I want it in soon), and since I'll be working on small upgrades, I should be able to push it whenever I please without interfering with the development.

Anyway, that's pretty much it. Until next time! ^_^



Correct me if I'm wrong, but I recalled a male shapeshifter saying something about introducing Erica to his master. Did anything come out of this? Or is there any more content with him because that character seemed interesting.


You can meet his master. More specifically, you should meet the shapeshifter a second time (first you meet him in one of the temples, and afterward he should track you down in your house in Tarkas), and he should tell you in which city his master lives (Zanark), so you can meet him.