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Or "How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Got Pregnant". At least, that's how it felt when I started adding more pregnancy content near the end. I should have probably released this hotfix earlier, but I got caught up with working on dialogues, one thing lead to another, and here we are.


Fixed issues:

  • Fixed Marjorie still preparing traps for you during enchantment lessons if you dealt with her;
  • Fixed shack tied to the mana smuggling quest still being accessible after the quest was over;

Also, this is what's included from what I worked on last week:

  • Added appropriate ending slide to the werewolf section if you have become the "alpha-in-training";
  • Added dialogues to the girls in the harem acknowledging your status if you are picked by the Emperor, made sure to have some generic description for the brunches after his choice;
  • Certain scenes at the pub now increase your "slut reputation" (invisible stat);
  • A few of the customers at the pub will have more/different things to say, if you have taken part in 3 or more lewd scenes at the pub (excluding the scenes with the tits obsessed merchant, since these aren't TOO public);
  • Added pregnancy with Jiro (and early ending if you decide to retire when pregnant);
  • Added pregnancy with Nelson (and early ending if you decide to retire when pregnant);

Expect the usual weekly dev blog, as well as the art preview and polls all coming soon-ish!


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