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Here we are with yet another update. This should mark the conclusion of the werewolf path, although it still needs one more scene, and some minor things I need to address, like a proper entry in the ending slides for this accomplishment, and perhaps some extra writing for when you go out running with your pack. 


Of course, the changes don't stop there. Here is the usual list:

  • Written more quips if you stare at Xena's "assets";
  • Scene with Xena if you keep staring at her;
  • New scene with Marjorie (sub path);
  • New scene with Professor Selina (afternoon, in the professors' lounge, after you progressed to "self mind-control" with her. Ask for special lessons);
  • New day of cheerleading practice (+ short scene with Margareth during the training);
  • New scene in the orc village (trigger again Ginnuk's last scene, then go talk to Navarra to get on the right track);
  • Added final step to the werewolf ranks;
  • Slight improvements to the writing in the "manager seduction scene" during the farm investigation quest Kira gives you (it's still short, but since it got visuals, I tweaked it a little bit);
  • Added alternative route for the Orc village (go back to Ginnuk's cave after you escaped);

There are also a couple of bugfixes:

  • Fixed being able to access cheerleading practice before joining the cheerleaders;
  • Fixed Marjorie appearing in her room incorrectly, allowing access to one of her scenes early or even outside the appropriate path;

And this, as they say, is it. I think I'll take tomorrow off, then work some more on TOTDC 2 the day after, and then get back to Caliross after the weekend. If you find any bugs, let me know, and I'll squash them immediately (particularly with the alternative path to the orc village, since I didn't get a chance to test it properly). Have fun! ^_^


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