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So, I finished the first version of the magic academy exam, and I added a couple of scenes (one with Eloise, one with a new student) to celebrate completing the tests. Since we won't get the content proper for a while still, I figured I would at least have something sexy to reward your efforts. I am waiting more feedback from my testers, and meanwhile I am doing some more preparation for future magic academy content: adding some simple time-based schedule for professors and students, writing new NPCs, planning the content and so on.

By the end of the week we'll get the new release, and I plan to write at least 2-3 more scenes before that, and maybe some other content that I can "rush" for the magic academy.

Some of the stuff you'll see might be moved around by next time, as I have a better structure for it, and I can let people access more of the academy. I am still unsure about a few things (for example, if I should allow the players in the academy at night, outside of the quest that already takes place there, or if I should have the students appear outside the academy here and there), but that's not something extremely important, in the end. It would be easier to avoid both of these things, so I'll leave the decision for last, and just not throw them in, unless I find some good reason for the addition.

Anyway, that's about it at the moment. Look forward to the update, and I'll see you guys soon! ^_^



Hey! That sounds good. Keep making good progress as always. Best of luck and talke care