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First release of the year! Also, first attempt at tackling some of the content from the poll to give Caliross that last bit of extra content before completing it. It's just the start for the academy, but hopefully it's fun. Some of the scenes you can unlock in there will likely get contextualized and/or moved elsewhere once the area is more populated with stuff to do, but for now, some amount of "placeholding" will be there.


As usual, here is the changelog:

  • 1 new bimbo scene (if you had sex with Lucas, you have a random chance of meeting him at the beach when you go for a swim with the regular bikini);
  • Added entrance exam for the Magic Academy. You must be in chapter 2 or later and you must have completed the quest with Charles and Eloise. You'll receive a letter after you go to sleep once;
  • 1 new scene with Eloise (2nd floor at the academy, if you passed the exam);
  • 1 new scene with an exhibitionist student (2nd floor at the academy, if you passed the exam);
  • 1 new date with Tania;
  • 1 new scene with Gaspar;

Also, here are the bugfixes:

  • Fixed issue after completing "One More Song" (you would be unable to use your transformations, unless you went to sleep first);
  • Fixed an issue when visiting the bathhouse while pregnant (there was the possibility to access the regular map, which isn't written to support the pregnant content);
  • Fixed a collision issue in Highrock;
  • Fixed issue with Erica's journal (would let you see Chapter 5's title card before unlocking that chapter);
  • Fixed issue in Fort Andor at the end of the quest (you shouldn't be able to move around after selecting Kevin to talk);

For now, you have unlimited attempts to pass the exam for the academy, but do let me know if you feel like I should change that (it's probably not very important either way, but I figured I'd ask about it). The attempts cost time and money so they aren't completely free. Also, let me know if I should fine-tune the difficulty.

Anyway, that's all for now. Let me know if you like the update, and if there are any problems! As always, have fun, and thanks for all the support! ^_^



The practical exam bugs you into a softlock. You're taken to the field, a fireball is fired diagonally, and then you can't move or open up a menu.


Did you play around the test room of the Travel Sphere, by any chance? One part of the test is an adaptation of an old mini-game idea I had, and I used the same variable, perhaps that's what's causing the problem. Do you have any way to send me a save file? I could check this out, and perhaps fix it for you right away, if I am right about the cause.


I changed the willpower stat in the travel sphere, but that should be the only thing that I edited. I can send a save file in Discord.