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I hope the holidays are treating you guys well! I am back after taking a week off, and I decided to start working on the magic academy! I think I have a good idea for the admission part, and then I'll go from there. It should be fun to see some familiar faces around the academy, and hopefully I can work in some new interesting characters as well.

I have some basic ideas for the gameplay as well, but those will need to be expanded as well. I might have to focus on writing scenes as well this month, since we have less time than usual, and I can't imagine I'll be able to have the intro + some general gameplay for the academy ready at release, so we'll need something else to "distract" us in the meantime.

I think that's all for the short term, I'll drop more details about the academy as I add content for it in the game. Also, if you do have some suggestions for the academy, let me know. I'll probably be very selective to avoid increasing development time, but it's better than not voicing your idea at all, I think.

Anyway, see you soon, and I wish you a great New Year's Eve as well! ^_^


Graeme Cracker

Potions class where an accident makes your clothes completely transparent?


Glad you're back from vacation and full of new ideas. Hope you had a wonderful holiday! Merry Christmas!


Someone wants to make sure Erica gives a great first impression, I see. XD