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Shocking everyone, 2022 is coming to an end. Fear not, however, since Caliross is still going strong, or so I hear. Friendly reminder if you haven't been following that I'll be taking next week off, but do let me know if you find bugs, as I'll be fixing those regardless.

With that being said, here is the release:



  • 1 new scene with the secretary job (follow-up to the "new dress" scene);
  • 2 new scenes with Tania;
  • Added dialogue options to ask for Jin or Lea's freedom when you are buying them (they both refuse) and made it so that Jin can move to and from Golden Leaf;
  • Added carts for transportation in Golden Leaf (if you repair the town as a noble);
  • Improved teleportation room in the travel sphere;
  • Added purchasable house in Rahib (current price 30000 G).
  • Added schedule (for jobs in Tarkas) to the game;
  • 1 new scene for Marintas's charm (One of the locked doors in Tarisa now is open, and leads to a small room with a girl in it);


  • Fixed an issue with "A Tale For The Future", where you could start the quest by talking to Alec's mentor in chapter 4, but you couldn't talk to your father to finish it until chapter 5. (Now it can only be started after you reach chapter 5);
  • Fixed issue with Baal (you could get "unpossessed" by Catherine, even if you had exorcised her already);
  • Fixed issue with the cart travelling system (you were allowed to use it to go to Rahib when Cornelius Pass is still out of service);

Some of the quality of life stuff and other additions took me slightly longer than expected to fine tune, so I didn't manage to write another scene or two as I hoped, but hey, I think we still got something interesting! There is also a small change which I didn't add to the changelog: you now get a medal from the Emperor after solving the final quest of the mana smuggling storyline (if you completed the quest before this update, you should get the medal added to your key items automatically). This one can be displayed in your trophy room, if you have one. I should add more trophies in the coming months, but for now, that's it.

I hope you are having a nice holiday season, and I'll be seeing you guys soon. Thanks for all the support! ^_^



How do we get Jin to Golden Leaf? Does this have to happen before being completely enslaved by him?


There is a bug, and it's how you guessed (he doesn't have the dialogue option if he is completely in control) . I am releasing the hotfix today, though, so you won't have to worry about it anymore! :)


Can't wait to get home so I can download and play ❤


Awesome! How do you find the new Marinta's charm moment? I can't seem to find it. Is there a certain chapter you have to be on?


As long as it's not night, she should be there (it's a small room full of carpets).


Im having an issue were only the up arrow and the enter key are working


That's odd, never heard of such an issue before. Is this from the start of the game? Does the keyboard work fine in other RPG Maker games?