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So, last poll about Caliross 1.0 got a good amount of votes, and I think the clear winners are the magic academy, the orc village and the Outcast story arc. There is a significant gap between these and the rest, I think it's fair to say. While small elements of the other choices might appear here and there, I think I should focus only on these 3 as additional content for 1.0, and then we'll say goodbye to Caliross.

 This should add about 6 months of development (probably even a bit more, assuming some delays happen as usual), so it's not exactly a short road. Assuming we are all on the same page for this (and if we aren't, let me know, these are just my assumptions), the one thing that remains to be decided is how to handle the introduction of TOTDC 2. For now, I'd like to gather ideas.

Should I do it progressively (perhaps alternating months between TOTDC 2 and Caliross), or do you guys think I should wrap up Caliross first? Maybe do 2 small updates for both games each month? Some other method I am not thinking about? Please, share your thoughts.

Are you guys comfortable with deciding before seeing a demo of TOTDC 2, or would you prefer to wait until then to decide about how to do this? This is the other big choice. I also wonder if people aren't comfortable in general with deciding about this stuff, and leave it up to me when it comes to decisions that aren't about the content.

Also, we have been doing this for a while now, but are there things lacking in how I run the Patreon? Things you expect to see that aren't here, tiers you'd want, anything? With a new game on the horizon, it's probably a good time to decide on changes like these.

Generally speaking, if nobody seems to care about how I handle TOTDC 2 introduction to the public, I'll just decide myself, and we won't get a poll for that (I figure it's not a huge deal, but again let me know if I am wrong).

Sorry for posting this so late, a discussion on the poll was overdue by now, but I got distracted with various tasks so far. Anyway, let me know what you think, I really appreciate hearing from you guys. :)



I'm all for whatever method gives you a good work/life balance and optimizes your creativity. Thanks for always being so transparent with us! Buon Natale!


I've seen some other creators alternate development cycles between the projects to keep yourself fresh with ideas and reduce burnout. While I'm most excited about Caliross 1.0, I understand the value of keeping momentum with both projects.


i'd like to see a demo or something of TOTDC 2 before deciding anything. too nebulous what you're going for with that right now


I'm super excited about seeing what you do with TotDC2, but I only subscribe to Patreons where I already trust the dev, so whatever you decide works best for the two games will undoubtedly turn out well. I AM really interested in seeing what Celeste and crew are up to though.


A TOTDC2 demo would be great. As far as a schedule goes, something that alternates between the two games sounds like a good idea, but I'll support whatever works best for your creative process.


Alternating months is probably better for your creativity. I don't care what you do with the demo; it's there to help you prototype ideas for the deeper game. Just remember that your potential audience is probably not going to familiarize themselves with a very old RAGS game so something that can catch new people up to speed will be useful.


Personally I'm still waiting for the Blanked prequel.


I don't know how to break it down to you, but I think you might be waiting for a looong time. XD