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In terms of my efforts, I actually got a bit distracted with various tasks: I improved the teleportation room (as mentioned last week), decided to add a small house in Rahib you can purchase (I wonder if players like the idea, right now I felt like adding a money sink and a more convenient location if you have something to do in Rahib was a reasonable thing to add), I did some backstage stuff (adding the new art to the game, as well as editing some of the text to better fit with said art, spent a few hours searching for art references to use in the coming months for the commissions, updating some of my notes) and other such small tasks all added up.

I have a new scene in the works, but it's not quite finished yet (it adds a small new area in Tarisa, and a female NPC that will exploit us for some "fun" if we have Marintas's charm).

Another thing I started looking into (since I was considering QoL stuff) was a scheduler for jobs in and around Tarkas: Basically, I was wondering if players wanted a way to automate (read: teleport from location to location) when it comes to jobs and maybe other activities in Tarkas (I'd like to keep it restricted to Tarkas, to avoid worrying about a few possible conflicts). It seems feasible, but I thought I should ask if people would be interested in this or not, before committing more time to it. It would be an item in your room that you activate each day, and it stores your choice for an activity for each time slot, and if you use it you move to the next job right away (it doesn't start the job, but it cuts down on walking time).

As I said, it's been a bit slow this week (we also had a national holiday), so I didn't get much more done. Anyway, let me know what you think about the scheduler and about the new house in Rahib as ideas, these were spur of the moment stuff, so I'd love some feedback.

I am going to update the game on the 18th or 19th, and then take the week off (I'll still be around for bugfixing if necessary, of course). I should also make the post about Caliross and future content this week (I should have done it last week), and I am not sure, but I figure I'll write a few more scenes, perhaps.

Until next time! ^_^



I'd use the scheduler fwiw


Honestly, I love the amount of content you make, so I am happy with the progress you've made! The idea for automating the jobs in Tarkas would be smart. I'd use that so much.


Thanks! ^_^ Looks like there is at least some interest in the scheduler, so I'll add it to the next update. After the initial release, we'll see if we should add more options to it.