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...Adventure! Intrigue! But for the moment, nothing too impressive. Other than checking a few bug reports (and confirming an issue... *sigh*) I didn't do much on friday. As for today, I worked more on TOTDC 2, going around and fixing/polishing things up here and there, as I try to get things ready for an early "tester build". I'll probably do the same tomorrow, and then it's back on Caliross. I'd like to try and tackle a quest first thing this month, and I have a few options for what to take on. I'd like to use the "sapient transformation" more, so one quest featuring that power would be great, I want to have a quest in chapter 5, and I have a bunch of possible themes for quests, from a final quest for the noble path, to something to close the mana stones smuggling plot. I'll probably try to cross off multiple of these at once, since not all of these requirements are mutually exclusive.

For the rest of the month, I'll also focus a lot on scenes suggestions I got from the 25$ tier patrons. I have 4 lined up, so I'll be busy with those for a while. Any time left will probably be spent on some quality of life stuff, general improvements and more scenes, if I have the time.

Well, that's the plan for the next 28 days, more or less. As always, thanks for your support, and do let me know if there are problems. For now, I'll go back to my lair. Until next time! ^_^



<p style="color: #008600;">Adventure and intrigue...!?? Sounds wonderful! And I like what plans you have for the next 28 days, I hope you manage to do all this during this time!</p>