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...It's Covid! I guess having two healthy weeks in a row was too much. Last week I got to work on a quest at least (I decided to have a quest separated in different sections, so I can work on one section per month, making progress without having to complete the quest in one go), but for today I can't imagine doing any actual work.

I'll get back to work as soon as I get better, hopefully this won't last long (as long as I am not in a terrible shape, I might get back to work tomorrow, I really don't know).

So the future should be more work on this quest, and some scenes, whenever that might be. That's all for now. I'll be overheating in the corner, if you don't mind. XD


Crevan Prowler

Damn, sorry to hear that. Just buckle down and kick that Covid's butt!

John Hall

Get well soon!


Take care of yourself <3

William Urquhart

Oh man... that sucks! Take care and don't fool around with it - if you get feeling *bad* or take a sudden turn (even if it feels minor), get to the hospital immediately! One of my closest and dearest friends didn't... he thought it was just a bad day and he would bounce back. Long story short - he died (and he didn't even have any 'compromising factors'). Sure, you CAN have a light case - but you can also have it change/turn unbelievably quickly. Rest and get well, dude.


Don't worry, I am keeping an eye on things, of course. Thanks for worrying, and thanks to everyone else as well. :)


I wish you a good recuperation.


<p style="color: #008600;">Oh, I'm so sorry. It seems that covid does not want to stop infecting people on this planet just yet, it's sad...</p>


Be safe and get well! Also, for those who are trying to save edit, values 46, 47, and then 11 are for: Willpower, Intelligence, and Inhibition.


Thanks! By the way, you can set these values in the debug room as well (there is a floating red sphere in the north-west corner for that).


I keep forgetting that is there. Fucking hell... Ah well, good info to put out there. It's useful for seeing how the game handles wired situations and can be fun.


It's sad to hear such news from you, I hope you get through it easily! I wish you a speedy recovery!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 19:54:45 Stay safe &amp; healthy, just be careful of potential long covid symptoms. I ended up having coughing fits for a month plus.
2022-07-06 05:59:11 Stay safe & healthy, just be careful of potential long covid symptoms. I ended up having coughing fits for a month plus.

Stay safe & healthy, just be careful of potential long covid symptoms. I ended up having coughing fits for a month plus.


I hope Paxlovid is available where you are.


There is no reason so far to believe I'll need antivirals, although my father does have one (molnupiravir) as part of his therapy (he is of course older than me, and has a heart condition). Paxlovid is available too, as far as I know.


If that was the symptom for me, I'd have a hard time noticing, since I have asthma and whenever I get an infection of the airways, I tend to have coughing long after every other symptom is gone, and sometimes the allergies make me cough as well.