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Hi everyone! Here is a new release! Between the walkthrough, getting sick, and wanting to avoid a release too far into the month, we didn't get as much new content as I was hoping for. Still, we got enough content to satisfy your endless desire for smut, I think, and some nice additions in the non-sexy department.


Here is the changelog:

  • Added Sonya to the ending if you got far enough in one of her paths;
  • Zanark library expanded to actually have a third floor (need a rare book to get in). The second floor also got slightly remodeled;
  • Nelson in Solina got various changes (some related to the Zanark change);
  • Added belly dancer scene (lessons from Sole and Luna in the Red Dune. Now some customers also have some extra lines. This all happens if your reputation there is high enough. You need perfect dances to raise it, and avoid failures);
  • improved maps outside of the first temple (and removed the empty stairs if you went back to the temple);
  • New scene with a domme (Sheryl, she can be found in the VIP area of the QoH);
  • Added the other half of the "secret" musical sheet, and at least one use for it (probably more to come);
  • New random event at night ("lost" succubus);
  • New scene with Skylar if you declared her innocent after sleeping with her;

And here are the bugfixes:

  • Aldmor Tomb was impossible to leave if you re-entered it after completing the quest;
  • Fixed a possible freeze after defeating the ghost in the "Tree Sap Trap" quest;
  • Fixed an issue with the hidden trapdoor in the commercial district (it was impossible to dispel in the new version of the map);

As always, do let me know if there are any issues. As I mentioned in the previous post, testers didn't get their hands on this one beforehand, but hopefully it's not a disaster. XD



Could i get some directions for the sheet music?


Game breaking bug, if you try to enter the door on the 2nd floor of the Queen of Hearts, you freeze in place and can't do anything but soft reset the game or close the game.


It's in the most peculiar building of the slums... Well hidden with a puzzle. You'll have to look very closely, and/or inspect the place tile by tile, if you want to find the sheet.


Mmmh. I can't see anything wrong with the door. Is it possible you hid the dialogue box and tought the game had frozen?


Just tested it, and it's possible I hid the text box since it didn't freeze like that the 2nd time around. But if that's the case I must have somehow hid the text box the instant it popped up because I didn't even SEE a text box the first time around. So, a frame perfect mishap on my end, I guess?


It's also possible that it was hidden before (I think the dialogue box setting carries between dialogues), but if that's not the case, it was indeed a frame perfect mishap! XD XD XD


FYI, if you keep playing after testing the final chapter, your collission remains off, just thought you ought to know.


Peculiar is a rather... bad hint, honestly, since peculiar is subjective... the one I find most peculiar can't even be entered XD. Still, I guess I'll just have to search all the houses i the slums.


Statues? I mean not many of them in the slums, so it narrows it down more. That aside I am at a total loss as to where to use this damnable thing I have been trying to wring out a memory of where I might find a musician with the skills to play it XD.


For now, you can use it to access the third floor of Zanark's library (it's not a book, but the library finds it good enough to give you access, and I want to give multiple ways to unlock it), but I want to add one more use. Granting some bonus to the players, perhaps through a ritual (in the room where you find the first half, there is an altar, and if you are smart enough, you can recognize some important details about it, so that would be a good spot). We already have a musician in the game, so perhaps hiring him to play while you perform the ritual to unlock the bonus would be the idea.


Sounds like a plan. Speaking of plans, whatever happened with the self-hypnosis + maids idea? Did it get scrapped?


Not scrapped, but I got distracted with a bunch of other stuff. Thanks for reminding me, though, I'll make sure to write a scene for next month!


You're welcome! Here is another reminder ;P We still only have 1 scene for the Marintas’s Charm where a woman's involved, and it strongly hints about at least one follow-up scene. Especially since the first scene isn't repeatable.


I'll write this down, and check if I can fit this in my schedule for this month.


Is the Sheryl scene repeatable? She disappears after the first time.


I am trying to decide if I want it to be repeatable or if I should write a different scene for that. Meanwhile, I made her disappear, but I'll eventually go back and change that.