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  • Jacob panted, wiping his forehead. Maybe his friends were right. He hadn’t been getting enough exercise.
  • “Heeeeey, Jake! How’s the run going?” “F-fine…”
  • Jacob stared ahead, trying to focus. One of his friends, Justin, had wandered up to him.
  • “Whenever you’re done, Brian wants us to move onto something else now.”
  • He didn’t need to be told twice. Jacob stopped the treadmill and slowly got off. “I-I’m good.”
  • Justin smiled and led him from the area.
  • The two had been invited to a gym that had opened up recently in the area by their other friend, Brian. Brian had already been working out there for a while and wanted his buddies to join him.
  • Justin was all for it when he heard about it. The guy was already fairly athletic and worked out a lot, so trying a new gym seemed like a great time for him
  • Jacob wasn’t much on athleticism and such. However, if his friends wanted to do it, he decided to go with it
  • Walking along to wherever Brian was, Jacob looked down at himself at his chubby body. He felt a bit embarrassed
  • He looked at Justin, observing his already fit, toned, and a bit dense body. There was a ping of jealousy for him seeing that. It must be nice to be built
  • The two reach Brian outside of a room, who was smiling and waving them over. Jacob looked at him. He was so skinny and lanky. It was hard to believe he was really working out at the place since they opened.
  • Brian asks them how they've been doing so far, Justin saying he’s been doing great with the dumbbells. Jacob says he’s been doing alright, though secretly feels he’s not doing enough compared to the others
  • “Okay, since you got those muscles moving, its time for a sweat!” Brian motions to the door beside him, a steam room.
  • He says the place recommends it after working out for a while. It’ll help with relieving muscle tension and with growth as they put it.
  • “Certainly makes me feel great after a small workout!” Brian cheerfully said.
  • Brian opens the door and the two look inside, finding it empty. Jacob nods to himself. Well, maybe relaxing in there will help him feel better for a bit.
  • -Scene Cut-
  • “He recommends the place but doesn’t even bother joining.” “well, he did say he wanted to finish some of his routine.” “Dat skinny meathead.” Justin chuckles as he says that.
  • The two friends sit down in the steam room in their large towels, sitting across from each other with the coals laid out between them.
  • They hadn’t been in the room long, but the feeling is already very nice on Jacob. He feels a lot less stressed. Sitting there, he realize he didn’t need to be so caught up about his weight compared to his friends. Take it nice and slow and he’ll catch up eventually… or maybe eat less? He’ll figure it out.
  • “Pretty good,” Justin remarks, looking rather tense and hunched over. “But I think it could be steamier in here. Mind if I kick it up a bit?”
  • “Go for it.” Jacob nodded over to a tightly closed box near them. Justin goes to it and pulls out some curious pieces of coal, white and red.
  • Justin remarks on the weird colors but puts them into the steaming coal in the room’s center and pours some water from the bucket on it, the steam thickening and room getting warmer
  • Jacob sighs and relaxes, sinking into his seat. His body feels fantastic and oddly light, like the weight is melting away. Though, looking down, it is still there. It is a nice feeling though.
  • So nice that it makes him wiggle slightly in his seat, his towel wrapped his hips dipping down in the back. A creamy yellow, fluffy tail slowly crawls out, wagging ever so happy
  • Relaxing there, Jacob looked over at Justin, who seemed to be leaning back and relaxing
  • Though, there was something odd and off about him. Looking past him and down on the bench, there seemed to be something off. It was deep dark ocean blue and rather glossy. It looked like a tail with a large, arrowhead fluke end, a tannish brown frill to it.
  • It also looked like seemed to be extending from Justin. “That can’t be right…”
  • “Hey, Justin?” “Hmm?” “Are you-” Jacob oddly found himself shivering, his mind blurry.
  • His short brown hair began to brighten to a rich, creamy yellow. It grew thicker and fuller, especially on top and down his back
  • “Are I what?” Justin asked. Jacob tries to say something, but can’t seem to get it out. He feels oddly fine and relaxed, like the tail thing isn’t a problem.
  • “Never mind…” Jacob remarks, leaning back as his tail wags some more.
  • Justin looks at him oddly, his eyes going lower. It looks like he is about to say something to else, but pauses. “Okay…”
  • The man’s fuller, blonder hair shrinks to more of a buzz cut, turning bright, silvery white
  • Jacob doesn’t seem to register it. “Feels like there’s a problem,” he thinks, “but… but don’t know…”
  • He looks at Justin and stares at him intently as his friend rests with his eyes close. Jacob tries to think of the right words, but cannot. His mind begins to wander, staring at his friend’s muscles and well-refined feature
  • I never noticed how big he was. Jacob thinks, blushing a little. He’s so big… Justin worked out a lot he knew, often joking about how swolle he had gotten. Justin was pretty big
  • Though… was he always that big? Sitting down, he seemed larger than before. His musculature looked more defined and he seemed even taller, his towel looking skimpier on him. Also, his skin looks rather glossy
  • Jacob thinks about it, but after a moment he feels a touch jealous. He wishes he was that big and strong. It would be nice to be big like him.
  • His belly flattens as he thinks about it, his hand unconsciously rubbing it
  • Jacob sighed, leaning back. Its starting to feel hotter in the room to him.
  • Creamy yellow hair and fur sprouting on him. Thicker fur over forehead and back of his neck, some starting to growing on his collar. Thick hair tuffs sprout on his elbows and ankles. He even develop a thick blond happy trail from crotch to belly button
  • Jacob pants and breaths in softly, brushing his forehead. Hmm? Do I need a haircut or something? Why…
  • “Yooo, Jake.” Jacob notices Justin is looking at him now, stroking his chin. He’s got some thick, long scruffy silver white hair along his jaws, even two thick staches on the opposite sides of his nose that extended away like whiskers
  • Jacob is confused by that, but… oddly also finds it attractive and fitting for Justin. He blushes and feels odd for thinking about it, his mind starting to wander onto his body shape
  • Justin calls out to him again, pulling Jacob out of his wandering mind. “Hey, when did you start working out?”
  • “Working out?” “Yeah! I didn’t know you were putting in the work before this.” “B-but, I haven’t…”
  • Justin points and Jacob looks where. His arms are looking fairly fit now! There was actually muscle and definition to them, even if it wasn’t much.
  • “Legs too, dude!” Sure enough, they were looking in pretty good and fit shape as well.
  • Where did this come from!? He thinks to himself, shocked by everything. I only started working out today, but now… my legs… my arms…
  • He lifts one of his arms up and flexes it. His body quivers and shakes, his crotch bulging slightly in his towel. The surge of power, seeing his biceps bulge a little… it felt incredible.
  • His fingers twitched and toes clenched. Fingernails thickened and turned black, looking like claws. Hands and feet swell large, gaining black pads and orange fur over them as the surge goes through him.
  • “Yeah! You’re looking ripped there, dude!” Justin says. Jacob realizes his friend had gotten up and walked over… nude. His towel was left behind.
  • Jacob also sees he wasn’t imagining before, now remembering what he was going to talk about, seeing the tail attached to Justin.
  • He starts to try and talk about it, but his friend sits beside him and holds up an arm. Its looking deep blue in parts, skin rubbery and glossy to a degree. Justin goes on. “Yeah, definitely keep it up and you’ll reach this swolleness!”
  • He lifts his arm up besides Jacob’s flexed one and flexes too, bulging bigger and thicker than Jacob’s.
  • Blue skin coats his arms completely. His hands and feet twitch, gaining blue as well. However, night blue covers his digits, nails turning into silverish claws
  • Jacob is blown away, watching his friend swelling and growing larger on top of that until he was almost two head heights taller. So much to say and ask about it
  • However, he is growing envious and more attracted. Why does he look so good… so fucking handsome! I wish I had that beef…
  • Jacob’s teeth turn into canines, arcanine mane cloaking his cheeks and falling onto his shoulders, which were broadening.
  • Jacob says outloud, “Man, I was that big and strong.” He blushes, realizing he said it outloud.
  • Justin just grins and leans in. “You want to be big and strong like me? Well, who could blame ya?”
  • His face is turning blue as his arms, his teeth sharpening with two bottom ones sticking out of his mouth like any animal.
  • Jacob sees those changes happening before him. The attraction is growing stronger, his towel tenting harder
  • “Well, I want you to as well.” Justin cooed into Jacob’s ears, the man shivering.
  • Jacob’s ears grow orange fur on the outside and cream on the inside, turning triangular and shifting to the top of his head.
  • The man pants, trying to find his voice. “Justin… something… something is going on here. We’re changing… I feel funny and…”
  • “Yeah, I noticed!” Justin stood up and walked over to the water bucket. He seemed even taller now and had bigger trapezius muscles and broader neck.
  • Though Jacob doesn’t really notice it too much, his eyes on his blue, tight rear and big balls hanging between his legs, just slightly obscured by his tail swishing back and forth
  • “I feel funny too and ya know what?” He lifts the bucket up and brings it over to the coal. “I want more.”
  • Before Jacob could say anything more, Justin gently pours more. The room gets steamier and hotter, vision getting obscured.
  • Jacob moans as he trembles. It feels incredible, his body awakening!
  • The man grows and grows, raising up on his seat as fur rapidly expands across his body. Orange on sides and arms while black coats his front down to his crotch
  • Even with the fur coating, he can see his muscles perfectly. His figure is rapidly expanding like mad, growing wider and bulking up with dense arms and legs. His chest heaves forward with bulging pecs, abs rising like bread in an oven
  • Jacob pants and moans, paws going all over his body, feeling his limbs and pecs. So much density and beef!
  • His crotch twitches and throbs, poking open his now too small towel. His rod is red and canine shaped with a sheath and balls
  • “There we go! That’s what I’m talking about!” The steam starts to thin and Jacob sees Justin again.
  • The man is completely blue from top to bottom with a light blue chest and tummy. Skin is glossy and rubbery, his muscles bugling incredibly.
  • “Now you’re looking big like me,” Justin chuckles. His ears turn pointy and triangular, though smaller than Jacob’s. They move to the top of the head
  • He sniffs the air, nose turning into a pink Samurott’s. “Big and smells great too.”
  • Smell? Jacob finds himself sniffing the air as well, his rod throbbing. Nose turns black and canine.
  • There’s a powerful, rich musk in the air and its coming off of him and Justin. It’s very nice.
  • And the more Jacob looks at Justin now in his big, beefy body, the more he wants him badly. Black stripes appear on arms and legs
  • Jacob stands up, leaving his towel behind, and walks over to Justin, now just as big as him. “Man, this feels different, but I like it.”
  • “So do I~” Justin gropes Jacob’s pecs and abs, the canine man moaning as his Arcanine mane fully develops.
  • “L-like? Well, thanks! My bod is fucking hawt like yours now.” Jacob reaches over and gropes Justin’s arms and even rear.
  • Jacob moans, face pushing out into a Samurott muzzle before chuckling.
  • “Glad you can appreciate something as awesome as this.” Justin smirks, pushing pec and dick to pec and dick.
  • “Who couldn’t appreciate such a godly body as yours?” Jacob moans, “I want it. I want all of it.”
  • “Same…” The two lean in and kiss, Jacob’s face pushing into an Arcanine muzzle.
  • “I need you now.” The Samurott moaned. “Badly… I want you on the ground so I can ram you-”
  • Jacob twitches and growls. “No, seal boy. I’m the one in charge here!”
  • Jacob turns him around and pushes him against a wall, positioning his rear out.
  • Grabbing the tail and clutching, Arcanine starts ramming the Samurott hard, the two moaning and groaning
  • Arcanine slowly grows more, getting taller and beefier than even his friend. He was now bigger, more superior to him.
  • The two go at it long and harder, things growing hazy for them. Was it the lust or were they just spending too much time in the steam room? Hard for them to say.
  • All that Jacob knew was he heard a familiar voice. “Looks like someone is enjoying themselves.”
  • Jacob’s eyes wandered to the side, seeing Brian there out of the corner of his eyes.
  • Brian was about the same as before, but seemed to be getting taller, buffer, and furrier by the second.
  • “Mind if I join you beasts?”
  • -Scene Cut-
  • The steam room opened and three large, beefy Pokemon anthros stepped out. A Samurott, Lucario, and Arcanine who stood high above both of them.
  • They were wearing their towels that didn’t look all that fitting any more, heading back to the lockers for their clothes.
  • “Still can’t believe you didn’t want to join in right away if you knew this was gonna happen,” Justin comments.
  • “Eh, I rather you guys enjoy yourselves first and get surprised. I probably would’ve spoiled it if I’ve been there.” Brian chuckled.
  • “Yeah, I bet! You probably be laughing the whole time or-”
  • Jacob wasn’t really listening as he followed his friends. He was busy feeling his arms and abs. He still couldn’t believe he was this ripped! Talk about skipping months of working out and getting straight to the results! Even the Pokemon look wasn’t too bad. He could enjoy something like this!
  • He almost didn’t want to put on clothes and cover his bod. It ended to be seen, to be let to breath. It was glorious
  • As they reached the lockers, Jacob started to head for his while Brian called him over to his. “Hey! Weren’t you listening? Over here!”
  • Brian reveals a pair of large swim trunks that would fit them. “Come on! Let’s cool down with a swim! Gotta get out all that steam and stink before we leave, right?”
  • “Oh right…” The Arcanine takes a pair. “...wait, since I’m fire type, wouldn’t that be potentially hazardous for me?”
  • “Well, you can at least relax in the shallow end for a bit.” Brian shrugged.
  • Jacob nodded, slipping on his gym shorts. They were pretty tight despite being bigger, highlighting his huge bulge
  • He smiled, following his friends. Well, he could still show off for a bit longer at least.
  • Though, when he got home, he was going to have to seriously go through his clothing. He was going to need to find some stuff that fit… but not too much so that it could still highlight his form.
  • Jacob finally had a body worth worshiping and showing off and he was going to make sure he could.


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