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“For youse, toots! One of da finest dranks on dis side of town! Made ta perk ya up and keep ya fueled all day long!”

“Oh, thank you?” Olivia Groves took her boyfriend’s gift and looked at it curiously. It was a large cup. A VERY large cup that seemed like it was for slushies. It was bright white with the words “Big BIG Gulp” on it. She had to use both hands to carry the massive container.

Her boyfriend had his own and naturally, he was able to carry it with one gloved hand.

“How thoughtful…” the older woman added, staring longer at her drink as the two left the drink stall. “It seems a bit… big.”

“Well, dat’s da point!” her boyfriend laughed in his deep, boisterous, charming tone, “Anydang smaller can’t help ya fueled!”

“I suppose.”

The middle-aged woman was happy to find someone as sweet as Hefty McOrckee. It was hard for her to believe she could fall for a toon, especially one so large, wide, heavy, and bigger than life. However, he simply swept her off her feet from their first meeting. It was like being young and falling in love for the first time again with him.

Today, they were having a nice walk through her city’s ToonTown Park. As a big toon, Hefty wasn’t much for physical activity usually, preferring their time together at restaurants, movies, or vegging out at home. However, he surprised her by inviting her on a stroll, which she happily went on.

“Wells, I’s gotta drank dis stuff if I’m gonna be able ta finish dis walk!” the large orca toon chuckled, taking a big sip of the cup.

“Fair, but really, you didn’t have to for me.” Olivia brushed her forehead, looking up towards the sun. The sun seemed brighter than before… and was wearing a pair of sunglasses. The big bright ball always looked so strange when in ToonTown for some reason.

Still, the heat was starting to set in and the cup was feeling heavier by the second. Wouldn’t hurt to have some. If I don’t like it, Hefty can have mine.

Olivia, holding the cup carefully, leaned in and took a sip from her straw. Nothing came out. Must be pretty thick or something. She took a harder sip. A thick, goopy, cold substance squirted into her mouth, splashing against her tongue and poured down the back of her throat.

A rush of sheer cold rush through the middle-aged woman’s body, freezing her in her tracks. Hefty stopped his stroll and looked back. He looked unconcerned, smiling as he took a sip from his cup. “Mmm, enjoyin’ dat first sip? Always a doozy!”

Olivia stood there quietly before a loud SLURP followed. Mmmm, tastes like blue raspberry! So sweet! She sucked down more of the slushie into her maw eagerly.

More of the goopy slush filled her mouth, brushing and splattering against the insides of her mouth. Curiously, as she drank, her cheeks bubbled. Her higher cheekbones faded, followed by all of her wrinkles and age lines. Her cheeks swelled, slowly inflating and pushing away from her head.

Pop. She pulled the straw from her mouth and licked her lips. “Wow!” she sighed, rubbing her rather round, rubbery cheek, “That…  that does taste really good!”

“Yeah it does!” Hefty smiled, strolling over and patting her shoulder. “Always like starting mah day off with one of dese so dat flavor lingers in mah mouth all day!”

Olivia nodded, taking another hard sip. Sure, the size of the cup was a bit much, but she did now understand why Hefty wanted her to have a Big BIG Gulp. It was delicious!


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