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Valerie looked up at the skyscraper before her, high up where her meeting was supposed to happen. She took a deep breath and reflected on her past.

She did have the experience. She had done some minor secretarial work in the past and had worked under some higher level managers and boss-esque figures in her past jobs before her current unemployment stint.

Her experience and capability were not that much of a concern. It was everything else.

“‘Cuse me!” “Pardon me! Goin’ to an important meeting!” “On my way to lunch!” “Business business business! Gotta business!”

Valerie dipped and dodge all around herself, her face getting red. She was truly out of her depths in this environment.

She and her boyfriend were standing in the middle of the business park of her city’s ToonTown District. All around were toons of all shapes, sizes, and genders. They went about their day trying their best to look official and important in their business suits and holding their briefcases. They rushed about, going from one building to the next or to some food stand setup outside for their lunch.

The skyscraper where she would be going belonged to Silly Looks. They were the largest distributor of toon gloves and shoes in that part of the country. She would be meeting and interviewing for the secretarial position of a literal fat cat, a Mr. Lance Furrikins, the boss.

“Don’t stress yourself out, babe!” Her boyfriend leaned in and gently nuzzled his face against hers. A soft purr left him. “I believe in ya!”

Valerie smiled. She always did feel better after hearing that lovely purr. She leaned in and kissed him, scritching gently under his muzzle. “Thank you.”

Her boyfriend, Keith, was a toon as well. A furry caracal, he wasn’t overly silly-looking or big as many toons out there. His goofiness was mostly confined to being a super sweetheart who loves getting pet and scratched. She was lucky to have him as a boyfriend.

Keith was even the one to get her to this point. He found out about the job opening, being a follower of toon news. He arranged the appointment and even got a resume all together for her. He was determined to help lift her spirits after her devastating layoff weeks back.

Valerie appreciated his concern and encouragement. He was very kind, constantly looking out for her best interests. Why a cat like him wanted to be with a shy, mousey girl as her was a mystery.

Yet, she remained unsure about this whole situation. The support was nice, but she didn’t intentionally seek out this job. It was thrust into her hands without any consulting. There was a bit too much pressure put on her due to this.

At that moment, Keith seemed to be sensing that feeling from her too. “Hey, I know this is, like, much and still wild, but, ya got this! You’re gonna slay this, no prob!” Valerie didn’t say anything, looking around at the toons and toonscape.

The caracal nodded. “Okay, time to pull out the big guns!”

““Big guns”?”

His face lit up with a gleaming smile. He reached behind him and pulled out a small box. “Prezzie time!”

He opened the box, revealing jewelry within it. It was a cute necklace with a silver chain and a golden pendant. The pendant was shaped like a cat’s head, its eyes bright green from some kind of stone embedded into it.

Valerie blushed, taking and looking it over. “I know I kinda screwed up, so I got you this!” The caracal’s tail swished, his hands clasping together. “It’s a good luck charm! Ya know, just for things to go well.”

“R-really?” Valerie had to admit; it did look very nice. How it would match with her outfit, she wasn’t exactly sure, but the toons were probably not going to really care.

That was really sweet. “Thank you.” She slid it over her head, carefully centering it on her chest. “It’s very-”

At that moment, a tingling sensation began to trickle throughout her body. She shivered oddly, tensing up before relaxing. The nervous twitches within her faded, her mind and heart slowing. The concerns and doubts she had started to fade, seeming almost quaint and small.

Confidence began to grow. Maybe he’s right. She nodded to herself. I’m being too hard on myself. I could do this, no problem! I do have the experience, and I’m…

A thought occurred to her suddenly. She checked her phone and flinched. “OH! I mustn’t be late! I must be puntunctual or it’ll reflect badly on my image and reputation!” She leaned in and kissed Keith on the tip of his muzzle. “I must be off. I’ll see you after the meeting.”

“Okie-dokie! Knock ‘em dead!” Keith kissed back and waved goodbye as she began hurrying to the building.

Valerie hurried along towards the front door as fast as she could. Her steps and lunges were manic and panicked, not a trace of grace or calmness in them. She was panting after only a few steps with that rush.

But then, something shifted. Her movement began to adjust itself, her pace slowing to a degree. Her steps were less wild and more purposeful, keeping a decent speed to her. Her walk became more of a strut, professional in its movement of her legs and shoulders.

Helping it along were her shoes as well. Her black shoes morphed, sprouted heels in the back and merging laces into the material. The fabric and material became thinner and harder, the shape turning more pointed at the end. Soon, she was strutting in a pair of black high heels.


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