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Well, despite being a bit nervous at the start, I got to say, this month went smooth! The situation with my family ended very well and no more issues cropped up. No more car troubles either, so I felt pretty great this month!

Now, admittedly, there was a gap in amount of stuff I was putting out. From the 12th until the end of last week, there was nothing. That wasn't because of anything serious for once. Tears of the Kingdom dropped and after all the chaos, I just needed time to have some fun for myself and took a break.

But as you can see from these past few days, I'm proudly back in action. I got stories done, rough drafts completed, a few new outlines, and I'm still progressing on other projects. I was even able to reopen my commissions! It feels like things are going good again.

June is looking to be a very good month I feel. I'm gonna have tons of new stuff coming for you all to enjoy.

Though, looking at our last poll, there's not a clear cut winner. It's all too close, so I may make a new poll with the choices that got the most votes and go from there.

Anywho, that's it for me! I look forward to a great coming month! Hope you're excited as I am too. ^^




Is the shy stud story that fluttershy bro tftg that you were talking about a couple months ago?