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  • “C’mon honey! Just try it! You’ll like it!”
  • “No! It’s not Pebbles!” Joey pouted, folding his arms.
  • Leah sighed, shaking her head. Her son was always so stubborn when it came to his cereal.
  • It was early morning at breakfast. Leah’s husband, Jake, was still sleeping after a long shift the previous night. He was usually better at coaxing their son into trying new food than her, but she decided to take on the challenge in his place.
  • Joey stubbornly turned from the bowl and looked away.
  • Leah frowned. “Frosted Flakes are really good! I’m sure you’ll like the taste!” Joey said nothing.
  • Looks like this may need a stronger approach. Leah took the bowl from the table and spoon, scooping up a bit. “See? Mommy likes Frosted Flakes too!”
  • She really didn’t like them, but at least thought they were better than most of the extremely sugary cereals that were out there.
  • She also felt silly doing this. Her son wasn’t a toddler, even if he still occasionally acted like one at times. Her trying it may not mean or seem like much.
  • Still, she was going to at least try it. She eats a scoop right there and then.
  • It tasted like she remembered it… though slightly different as well. Something was a bit strange about it she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Was the recipe recently changed?
  • Still, it was better at least! She swallowed. “See? Daddy likes his Frosted Flakes!” (Voice deeper)
  • Her son slowly looked back at her, his expression still stubborn but also a little confused.
  • Leah smiled, flashing sharp, feline fangs. Good! He’s looking at me now! Maybe that’s a sign!
  • She chuckles deeply, “Mhm! Frosted Flakes are good!” She eats another scoop.
  • Her slightly chubby body began to expand. However, fat is melting and is being replaced with muscle mass. She’s taller, toner, and fitter with a wider waist and broader shoulders.
  • She looks back at him with a smile, his expression now confused with head tilting.
  • Hmm… am I losing him? Maybe I should change it up?
  • “Frosted Flakes are more than good! They’re grrrreeeat!” She chuckled, eating another scoop.
  • Tiger ears pop out and a tail. The kid flinches
  • “Joke too obvious?” She chuckles. “Well, how about this? Frosted Flakes do have all of that sugar you like!”
  • Eats more and shivers, black stripes appearing all over her body and even face. A layer of white fur sprouted over her chest and stomach even.
  • “So it all tastes grrrrrrrrrEEAT!” She says that with more enuthasim. It feels so easy and right to say that, even if its a bit embarrassing.
  • As that word came out, white fur appeared around her mouth and most of her jaws and cheeks. Lips thinner and turn black & gummy, just out of sight mostly due to the fuzz
  • Her son is still baffled. “Umm… mom? Are you okay?”
  • Leah chuckles. “Heh, of course I am! Daddy’s okay!”
  • Maybe she was being a bit too overzealous now, but she couldn’t help it! She looooved Frosted Flakes and wanted his son to enjoy them too!
  • He takes another bite, shivering and eyes clenching shut. Eyebrows thicken and turn black, his body growing taller and denser, with broad shoulders.
  • Tail whisks about as his eyes open, revealing bright yellow, feline eyes. “Daddy only wants you to eat right! Frosted Flakes are part of a growing boy’s diet after all!”
  • “Pluuuuuuus, they smell… nice too!” He leans in and sniffs his bowl of cereal.
  • His nose inflates into his blue feline tiger snoot.
  • Hair shakes and shrinks and shrinks, her messy, dull brown locks vanishing into his head and leaving behind orange fur.
  • “But again, it’s all better eating it! All that sugar, yet good for your body!” He eats another bite.
  • He grows orange fur all over his body, covering the last of his skin. He even gets a few bits of chest and arm hair, a dark orange, here and there.
  • “Eating it, you can grow into a mighty tiger, just like your dad!” He chuckles and eats more
  • He grows fairly buff and tall, with dense arms and legs. His stomach is toned and fit, but there’s just the slight trace of belly fat to it, giving him a touch of softness.
  • “Well, not literally but still!”
  • Joey looks at the box of cereal next to him. “Maybe… maybe I do want to try it.”
  • Leah grinned proudly. Perfect! He’s done it!
  • Though, better get a fresh bowl.
  • He finishes off the cereal and fetches another bowl.
  • Breasts flatten into pecs as hands and feet tremble. They gain claws and pinkish pads, making them distinctly feline.
  • He comes back with a bowl and pours the cereal in. “Want some milk with-” Joey is already digging in.
  • Heh! Maybe I sold it too well.
  • His head fully changes, dome shape, then cheeks, and muzzle.
  • “Whoa! Slow down there!” Leah’s ears perk up, seeing Jake walk into the room, still in his tank top and boxers, hair a mess. He looks like he just woke up at last.
  • He pats his son on the shoulder, who does slow down a bit before looking at the large tiger man wearing his wife’s clothes… though they looked more like tight workout clothes than anything now with a red shirt and blue gym shirts.
  • The husband stares him for a second before smiling and walking over. “Looks like my mighty mighty tiger finally achieved his greatest accomplishment yet!”
  • The tiger chuckles. “Yeah! I got Joey to finally eat my cereal.”
  • “Now you can stop bringing home so many boxes from work.” Jake playfully nudged him.
  • “Not a chance. That stuff is grrrrrrreat!” “Must you keep doing that, Tony?”
  • “Don’t act like you don’t like it~.” Tony cooed into Jake’s ear. The two chuckled and kissed. Tony was such a lucky tiger to find such a wonderful man like him and have such a sweet, if picky kid.
  • They broke apart and looked at Joey, who had stopped eating. He was looking at his hands and then his arms. He seemed frustrated.
  • Tony laughed. “Something wrong, champ?” “It’s… why am I not big?”
  • “Oh, you have a long way to go before you grow up to be a big boy!” Tony amusedly said, ruffling the kid’s head. “You gotta keep eating right, exercising, and more!”
  • The kid muttered. “You got to be a big tiger so fast.”
  • Tony shook his head. His son had such a silly imagination. He didn’t get to be this big overnight after all! It takes hard work to grow and keep being a big tiger like him.
  • Plus, a bowl or two of his cereal every day certainly didn’t hurt!


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