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Now, I had no intention to do another poll, but things are a bit too close and spread out in the poll for me declare a firm winner here. As such, I'm picking the top three most voted on stories and I'll let you all decide between these three.

And as a bonus, here's some extra info about them:

Chew Time: Ruh-Roh Bites:
This is as simple as it sounds. It's another tale from the Chew Time series with my OC, Rachel, running her food TF video blog. This time, she tries some rare Scooby Snaxs that turn her into a heavyset anthro Scooby Doo.

Mighty Tiger Dad Within:
A mom is trying to encourage her kid to eat the new cereal she bought him, but is having some difficulty. As such, she tries some Frosted Flakes to prove they're good with furry, striped results.

My Big Ballers: Shy Stud:
Part of a new image series I'm getting this summer, set in the world of Equestria with Fluttershy being sent an invitation by Twilight to visit a new restaurant that's opening up in Ponyville. The name? Ballers.

And there we go! Vote away on what you would like to see.



Honestly any of these would be amazing!