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  • Kira is outside the restaurant, looking at the sign. She had passed this place before many times in the past.
  • It was a pizzeria, Pizza O’Clock. It was a new establishment that opened a few weeks ago. She had no inclination of entering it before. She wasn’t much for trying new, unheard of establishments.
  • Glancing through the hazy window, she could make out the large figures inside. She also wasn’t much for the staff inside. They were a bit much for the woman, contrasting hard with her personality.
  • However, she had little choice in the matter. She needed the money.
  • Brief flashback of her girlfriend, Riley, back at the apartment trying to ease her and not to worry too much. She’ll find a job she’ll like soon enough. She handle the rent.
  • Kira didn’t want to burden her with rent. Plus, she needed money for college as well. She had to continue paying tution and now that her temp job was ended, she needed this.
  • She thinks about how it will be find, anxious and nervous. She’ll get through this. She was sure the folks inside would want her. She was a hardworker and capable of adapting to whatever it is that needs doing.
  • However, there’s some brief self doubt, an annoying voice nagging at her about how she thought she was that before and now she’s out of a job. The voice criticizes her wardrobe, saying she’s overdressed (even though it is fairly modest), or how her personality is too reserved to really fit in. She probably couldn’t keep up with the demands of the service industry
  • Kira gets anxious and flustered, but tries shaking it away. Just go on in and do this interview! It’ll go well!
  • Roy Buckbutt, a large fat beaver toon, is excited and says she is fully hired!
  • Kira is taken aback. Wait, seriously? They only talked for a few minutes and it barely seemed like he looked over her resume
  • The two are in his office. Large room stacked high with pizza boxes and logs, presumably that he gnaws on given their bite marks.
  • Roy assures her that everything is a-okay! He likes her from the moment she walked in and says he can see the perfect potential in her to be a fine member of the Pizza O’clock establishment.
  • Kira feels a bit at ease hearing that. Roy is a bit intimidating with how large and wide he is, plus being loud. He looked liked someone who couldn’t remotely be taken seriously.
  • Just the sight of him and the other toons around had instantly made her doubt herself, but mostly them. How could they seriously run an establishment like this?
  • But after talking a little bit, even with his silly accent and way of speaking, he was still very jolly and friendly. It made her at ease a little, like he wouldn’t be a bad boss to work for
  • Roy interrupts her thoughts and say he thinks she would be perfect for the server position
  • That throws Kira off. Server? She couldn’t possibly consider herself good for server. Maybe she excel at busting tables, work in the kitchen (she was a decent enough chef according to Riley), or maybe help back with accounting and management like she went for college
  • She tries to say something about that, suggesting that she may have a difficult time keeping up with pacing and handle orders. Maybe she would be better elsewhere.
  • Roy assures her she would be great, getting up from around the desk and patting her on the shoulder. She just needs some more confidence and self-assurance.
  • Kira doubts that, but is interrupted by Roy getting on his radio and calling for a special hiring personal pan.
  • At that moment, a toon hippo walks in and drops off a small pizza with sausage. He gives a nod to Roy and Kira before strolling out.
  • Kira remarks on how fast the food is (and thinks to herself about how actually good the food could possibly be given the speed), but Roy says its all about toon efficiently and speediness
  • Kira still isn’t sure about having the pizza. It’s a small pan, about half a foot in size. She could get her clothes messy and there were no napkins here. Plus, was it proper to eat this? She starts questioning if it would be bad to not eat it…
  • When Roy says he understands what she is feeling. She is surprised, but he says it is because its too small. She needs something bigger. He’s just being silly
  • When he goes for his radio, she quickly snatches a slice, steam billowing off of it and melted cheese stretching far. “Oh no! I’m good! I’m gonna eat it now!”
  • The smell is really good surprisingly! Reaaaaally good!
  • Her nose twitches and sniffs it hard, turning dark brown and bumpy. The smell becomes better.
  • Kira starts thinking about how she wants that, wants it really bad. Its so silly yet she can’t help but desire it. Her stomach cartoonishly gurgles loudly.
  • Kira is embarrassed by that, thinking she’s looking like a fool, but Roy seems not to care. He just looks interested in her trying the food
  • Kira decides to go for it to get it over with. She bites into the pizza
  • The sausage is smoked to perfection. The cheese and sauce balance each other wonderful. Even the dough is tasty! She never had a slice like this before.
  • The shock of it makes her ears twitch, growing into donkey ones
  • In fact, having her small nibble, she started chomping through the rest of it quickly.
  • Eating it fast, her body begins to grow. It gets a little chunkier and fuller. Her clothing is tighter, her figure wider.
  • As she goes through the crust, her dark brown hair gains a blondish tone.
  • Finishing it off, she licks her lips without thinking, sucking in the rest of the sauce and grease. Patches of brown fur breaks out on her body.
  • Roy smiles and asks what she thinks. She speaks, “I love it!” She flashes a smile. Her teeth are bright, pearly white and more molarly than before.
  • She doesn’t notice a thing about that. She did notice her voice is louder when she said it.
  • She tries to apologize for it, but her voice is naturally loud and a bit boisterous now.
  • Roy says there’s nothing wrong with being happy. To keep eating.
  • Almost upon hearing that, she snatches up another slice wildly. Her stomach growls for more and she slurps  her lips with a big SLURP
  • She’s embarrassed before eating. She’s starting to act improper now! Sure, the toon probably doesn’t care, but she cares! She’s making an ass of herself!
  • She takes a bite and chews. Though… is that really bad when the toon is a toon?
  • Her hair shortens, turning dirty blonde now
  • She swallows and sighs, her breasts shrinking and getting a bit saggier.
  • The pizza tastes really good. Maybe she should actually savor it?
  • The thought is very brief as she snarfs it down. Needs more food in her tummy. She is so hungry and food is made for eatin’, not admirin’. Those words pop in her head and they feel right.
  • She grows more, shoulders broadening and getting wider. She feels her clothing tightening on her but won’t stop eating to look
  • Her stomach inflates and grows, pushing slightly out of her blouse and threatening to pop some buttons on it
  • As she finishes the crust, fur coating her arms and legs, she sighs blissfully. The food is good. So good. Could she have more food. She wants to eat more!
  • She suddenly burps and a huge rush of warm comes over her. A bulge appears in her crotch.
  • However, she covers her maw, embarrassed by that. Roy just laughs and asks why she is covering her mouth for good burp
  • Kira knows why. It’s so beneath and boorish of her! It’s not right, improper, and makes her look dumb.
  • Yet, as she tries to say that, those words fall away and can’t come out. Eventually, she speaks in a deeper voice that she doesn’t know. Why would burping be bad? It alluded her.
  • She burps again and doesn’t even flinch, leaning back in her chair casually and scratching her tummy. Maybe she’ll remember why she did, but it was coming quickly apparent it wasn’t bad to belch.
  • What was bad was not to keep eating, taking the third slice of the personal pan.
  • Her hand dug deep into the slice as she brought it to her lips. Hands swell and gain four-fingered white gloves.
  • She bites into it and quivers. Her bulge gets bigger, visible behind her skirt.
  • She swifts chowing through the slice again, almost inhaling it. Her rear swells and fattens up, filling out most of the chair.
  • Her gut swells and fully breaks a few buttons on her blouse, dipping onto her fat thighs.
  • Rest of her swells and balloons into heaver beast, feet turning into thick hooves and fur covering her body.
  • She sucks on her fingers and burps loudly, stretching out in her chair and opening her legs up, let her bulge stretch further
  • Kira licks her lips as Roy asks her about her concerns about being a server. “If youse still want to be a manager or do stuff like dat…”
  • Kira thinks but briefly. It feels hard to do. Managing and handling important business? It feels so far behind them. Too complicated and hard!
  • He (or was it she? Kira doesn’t know or care) rather be a server. He loved attention and being in the spotlight, helping people with what they wanted.
  • Sure, he wasn’t particularly graceful or quick, but he would be good! He loved to serve and make people happy as much as he loved eating and big guys!
  • “Naaaaah, bro!” He belches. His voice is completely goofy and silly sounding as a toon. “I’ms your guy for serving!”
  • He scratches and rubbed his belly. Part of him wondered if he was getting heavier or something.
  • Or maybe he wasn’t heavy enough. He grabbed the last slice and snarfed it down eagerly.
  • He took on one final bit of chunky growth as fur fully covered him from top to bottom.
  • A tail pops out as his clothing shifts into something more befitting the large toon
  • His bulge grows, him naturally scratching at the bowling ball size bump that is highlighted by his tight shorts
  • He yawns and belches loudly, his face pushing out into a donkey muzzle.
  • “Dat was sum goooooood pizza! Dough, ain’t it a bit little for me?” “Sure is, but we like ta give our employees a little taste first before dey join!”
  • Kira burps again, his belly jiggling. He happily hugs and rubs it. He loves how big he is. It’s so nice to be with like-minded people!
  • His last job stunk compared to this! He was right to leave it. He felt at peace here.
  • Riley was going to be so happy he found a good place like this. Money problems were gonna be over
  • stomach growls and he asks for more pizza. Roy is happy to do so, but asks for a clarification first. He was checking the resume and everything and thought the name was wrong. What is Kira’s name again?
  • Kira chuckles. “Oh? Dat’s easy! Da name is-”
  • “Awwww, toots! Whats da madder? Youse always like Doofy Darren donkerton’s Hug!”
  • Riley is… confused. A large, fat toon donkey guy had entered her and her girlfriend’s apartment.
  • Sure, he was a jolly and friendly sort, but he had just somehow entered the place and was hugging her tightly. He smelled too, a lot of pizza and sweat.
  • “Okay… okay, who are you exactly?” Riley said, trying to get away from him.
  • “Tsk!” Darren set her down. “Don’t ya know? Your roomie ands soft boi lover, duuuh!” Darren does a flirty wink, putting his arms behind his head and pushing out his stomach. Romantic music and particular lighting surround him to set a “mood”
  • Riley is confused. She’s not dating a donkey. She’s dating a lovely lady named Doofy Darren Donkerton… what?
  • The smells and… his aura is starting to mess with her a bit.
  • “Ahhhhh… okay?” Riley can only muster that. Somehow, she feels like she should go for it the longer she’s around him and takes him in.
  • Darren smiles brightly, rubbing her head and heading for the fridge. “Anywho, I’s got da job, so let’s celebrate!”
  • “Sure…” Riley started at Darren’s behind. He’s… attractive. Just as attractive as Kira… Darren… roomie.
  • She follows him to the kitchen, a growing sense of urgency coming to her. She didn’t want him to eat all the food now like before… before?
  • It didn’t matter, the two would have a fun evening together and tomorrow, things would be back to somewhat normal. Kira would be back, though both would have interesting memories of what happened. Memories… memories they wanted to experience again.
  • THE END?


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