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Cassidy snapped her fingers and a tin spray can appeared in her hands. “Here!” She tossed it to him. “This will help!”

Dave grabbed the can, fumbling with it briefly. He looked at the label, his heart skipping a beat. It read, “Costume in a Can.”

He was familiar with the brand name and heard it before, but only from reports and stories on the Internet. “Wait wait! What’s with this? Is this what I-”

“Yep!” The short witch nodded. “This is your ticket to self-improvement! A can that will help you talk with the opposite sex by making you the opposite sex!”

“It’s very therapeutic, if you think about it!” Beatrice added. “Honestly, we should be charging you more for it. Let’s say we take on an extra charge or-” Cassidy reached up and pinched her lips shut again.

“I feel for something like this, it’ll help if you walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, if you will.” Cassidy explained, slowly shoving Beatrice away again. “Being a girl and seeing yourself as one will loosen you up, put you more at ease and at peace. It’ll make you feel comfortable and see things differently. Heck, try using this as an excuse to strike up a conversation with other women and see how that goes.”

Her eyes suddenly narrowed. “Though, if you try anything fishy and sketchy, we will know, and you will be punished.”

Dave shivered as her expression instantly softened again. “So, get what I am saying? I think it will work!”

“I… I see.” It all did sound promising enough. It was weird, but he was dealing with witches, so why wouldn’t it seem weird to him. Maybe it was just what he needed, looking at the can again. “Well, I’ll give it a shot!”

“Wonderful! Now, let’s talk payment!” The two discussed the costs and how to pay, Dave eventually sending them the money via PayPal.

“Mhmm, there we go!” Cassidy nodded, looking at her phone. “Money went through. Thank you for shopping with us annnnnnd…” She looked at Beatrice, sulking against the other side of the frame. She nudged her.

The tall witch sighed, rolling her eyes. “And do feel free to call again if you want more or whatever.” Her voice was montone and dry, like every word brought contempt.

With that, the window shut and with a flash of light, they were all gone.

Alone again, Dave looked at the can over better. He saw a tagline written very tiny below the logo. “Now with more kinds of anime in every can!”

Not sure what that means, he thought as he gave the can a good shake. Was there a limit or only a certain number of animes attached to each can? He never used this stuff before.

He finished his shaking and took a long, deep breath. He had to do it fast before his nerves took over and he changed his mind. Holding out a hand away from him, he aimed and gave it a little spray. The small mist collided with it and quickly dried upon his skin.

Dave stared at his hand. Nothing seemed to happen. Did I spray too little? Maybe I should spray some more… or maybe it doesn’t work for me. Oh, I’m probably not good at-

Goosebumps broke out on his hand. It began to look smaller. Digits were thinner, dainter even.

It continued to shift before his eyes. Any hairs, blemishes, or scars faded away. His skin felt smoother and softer, gaining a little tan. Even his fingernails were growing, smoothing out so it didn’t look like he chewed on them.

Whoa… His heart began to race. This… this is happening. The changes slowly spread down his arm. Hair vanished and skin turned smooth and tanned. Muscle mass and chub dropped, giving him a slender arm.

Dave moved his limb around, bending and flexing it. He even wiggled his fingers and stroked his arm with the other one. Yep, this is definitely real. Not imagining it.

He had seen magic before. On YouTube or from the witches themselves when they helped him with his previous problem. It still felt unbelievable, especially when it was happening to him. Yet, it was true.

The changes spread beyond his sight, disappearing beneath his sleeve. He took the can and sprayed the other hand, putting out a bit more mist and coating it better. The results were fast, the hand and arm quickly catching up to the others in daintiness.

Still weird, but… He smiled, his cheeks warming. It’s kinda… kinda exciting! The warmth spread from his face to across his body.


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