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It would do him no good to continue thinking this negatively about himself. He put the thought from his mind, looking down at himself. A tinge of awkwardness bubbled up within. At least they’re letting me wear shorts for this. Mogg was sure the masseuse was a professional, but he did feel awkward being naked or mostly naked around people he didn’t know.

Also, looking at himself made him feel down in a different way. I really need to eat better. He poked his soft stomach. Again, the masseuse probably wouldn’t care, but it still nagged him. Maybe I do need this. I’m so worried and stressed out about every-

The door suddenly creaked. The man stood up. Wait, am I supposed to be on the table and not in the chair? Crap, I’ve never done this before or-

Any worries of that soon left as a wave of confusion washed over him. A bear had just walked in pushing a small table with bottles on it. It was a very large, wide, heavy-looking bear… with white, pudgy gloves and pudgy, bulgy nose.

Mogg quickly realized what was up. Wait, the masseuse is a toon?

The toon bear rolled his shoulders and looked over at the man with a big smile. “Hiya dere! Da name’s Smokey Steve. I’mma professional cigar maker, salesbear, masseuse, ands any of dat in whatevah ordah youse prefer!”

Cigar maker sounds right. Mogg rubbed his nose. The bear definitely had a smoky scent to him. It wasn’t overwhelming, but it was fairly noticeable.

“H-hello,” Mogg held out his hand, the bear eagerly shaking it. “I-I’m Mogg. I’m, ah, your client… patient… something for today?”

The bear was about to say something when he frowned. He looked at the hand he was shaking and then let go, sizing Mogg up. “Mmm, gotta say, youse goin’ through sum stuff, ain’t ya? All dat tension ands trouble in dat shake, mmhmm, not good!”

“Wait, you can tell just from that?”

Steve laughed, his belly jiggling behind his shirt. “Of course I’s can! Imma professional, bub!” He pat Mogg on the shoulder and nodded towards the table. “Nows, youse lay down dere on yours belly ands let’s get ta fixin’ ya up!”

Mogg nodded. He was feeling more awkward and a bit exposed by the second being around the bear, especially since he read him like a book. However, he did as he was told and slipped onto the table, resting his head on his arms.

“Okay!” Mogg heard Steve say, “Let’s see here… I’ms gonna start with da back ands start workin’ all around. Dat cool, lil’ guy?” Mogg nodded. “Good! Nows, just relax ands let mah paws find dat stress youse been feelin’.”

The man closed his eyes and braced himself, not sure how it would go. Would the toon do something incredibly silly and goofy? Would he be hard and forceful with his massaging? The anticipation put him on edge.

Yet, it was none of that. He felt the gloved hands press into his back. They were soft, plush, and a little cool on his skin. They began to rub and poke around, feeling different parts of his back. It was difficult to describe the sensation, but it wasn't unpleasant at least.

“Just gettin’ a feel fors dings, bub,” Steve said after a while. “Need ta knows da best place ta start, ya know?”

“It’s okay… take your time.”

“…definitely feelin’ sum stress now. Youse wanna talk ‘bout it ors anydang?”

Mogg’s face reddened. “I… I don’t really want to talk about honestly.” He sighed to himself, burying his face more into his forearms. He wouldn’t understand. To Mogg, toons looked so free, happy, joyful, and loving life all the time. It was like they didn’t have a care in the world. How could one really understand all his built up anxiety?

“I’s see…” Steve was quiet, his paws leaving the back briefly. “Wells den, I’s say we’s get started den! I’s dink I’s see what ya need!”

With that, Mogg flinched. The gloves came back, digging into his back. In particular, they began to massage the base of his spine, right above his rear. He shivered, hands clenching as the paws did their magic.

Then, his tension melted. He sunk more into the table, body going limp. That feeling, sensation was extraordinary. It was so relaxing!

During it all, something happened. Right where the toon was massaging, something grew. Small and thin at first, it grew thicker and spread out across his lower back. Fur was growing, white as freshly fallen snow.

In the center of it all, right above his bum, the area bulged. A nub pushed out, growing thicker and protruding out just a little bit. Fur swiftly sprouted over it as well, making for a short, stubby tail. A tail quite similar to the brown ursine’s.

Mogg didn’t notice a thing. He was content, in complete bliss. His problems felt so far away now. This… this is great. I… I really needed this.


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