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“And…” Airia placed the wimple carefully on her head, adjusting it so it cloaked most of her head. She looked into the mirror. Despite her work, plenty of her black locks poked out of the headpiece. “Good enough. I’m all set.”

Overall, she looked pretty good. Her gown, tunic, and wimple all fit her pretty well, no uncomfortable tightness or anything. She looked nice and would probably fit in at the fair, going right over her old clothing. Sure, her glasses did look “modern”, but the guard wouldn’t hassle her over something like that, right?

Still, she shrugged. It was good enough. She could easily get in looking like this. There was no need to go the extra mile.

Her body trembled, the woman biting her bottom lip. Things wouldn’t be that simple though, would it? Rising from deep within, a desire came forth. She had to go that extra mile.

A heat began to grow within her. Airia took a deep breath and released it. She looked at her face. The bits of her hair that poked out of her wimple, frizzy and messy started to straighten. They grew thicker and gained volume, having almost a sheen to them.

She leaned in closer to the mirror, really carefully looking at her hair. The tips of her locks were brightening. There was a hint of red at them, which began to spread. The color grew even brighter as it flowed up each strand, disappearing beneath her hat.

POP! The wimple flew right off her head and onto the ground. Her hair had bloomed into cascading, rich waves of ruby red locks. They flowed down her back to her waist, so dazzling and glowing now, like they were fresh from a shampoo commercial.

“Wow.” Airia’s cheeks reddened at the sight. She reached up and felt her luscious mane. No matter what she did, stroking and running her hands through it, her hair remained in top form. Always so pretty…

Her thick-rimmed, round glasses slid down her nose. She moved to adjust them, but stopped. They suddenly grew smaller and squarer. The rims thinned and with some minor adjustments, they now rested more comfortably on her face.

Airia smiled. This part was always nice for her. What was happening only happened when she wore long dresses. If things would just stop here or maybe after one or two more changes, she would dress up more. This she could be more comfortable with all the time.

But things went on and regardless of what would happen, Airia would be along for the whole, fun ride.


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