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So, January was looking better for once. I was getting far more projects done than ever before, writing and proof-reading more than ever. At the rate I was going, I was hoping to get through most of my commissions next month.

And then disaster. Everything is falling apart for me once again. Horrible things going down with my family, my car won't start (gotta get a new battery), and now my laptop is failing again. It constantly screams and hollers over and over and over, even starting it up now.

I just want things to get better for once. Just for once, I want a smooth month. I was feeling so good and confident and now, I feel terrible.

Sorry folks, but things are slowing down for a bit until I figure out somethings. I'll try to manage with a tablet for writing and see how that goes. I'll try to have plenty of fun stuff next month (including a new story tomorrow I managed to finish) but the future feels so foggy.




Sorry to hear, hopefully the support through Patreon can help things go smoothly.