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“Fine, but I still don’t think this Eve girl is right.”

“Yes, she’s a bit different from the usual girl, but she is available and everything I heard makes her sound like a complete angel!”

“Ah-huh.” Peter looked off to the side. “It’s not like she’s gonna cook our child or anything.”

“Peter!” Caroline snapped. “That’s a hurtful stereotype! Don’t you talk to her like that when I let her in! Now, you act like the man I married or I’ll cancel our dinner plans and you’ll get to sulk on the couch tonight.”

There was nothing else said. Peter frowned, but just sighed and nodded.

Caroline gave him a stern look and headed for the front door. Eve is a sweet girl. I’m sure she’ll do a wonderful job. She opened the door up.

Standing outside on the doormat, a young lady was waiting. She had bright green skin and short black hair curled at its ends in the back. She wore all black and gray, a cute skirt and dress-up shirt combo. A large, white bag hung off her shoulder.

The young witch flashed a brilliant, cheery smile. “Hello Mrs. Rogers and…” She looked past the wife to the husband in the living room doorway. “...and Mr. Rogers! Thank you for having me!”

“It is a pleasure to have you, Eve!” Caroline chimed back with an equally cheery smile.

Eve was a witch, or an apprentice witch to be exact. They were not the usual kind of people to call to watch your children, but this one was different. Caroline’s friend hired her as a babysitter once and Eve was an absolute saint when it came to taking care of kids. Caroline’s kids loved her and doing extra research, other parents and kids were just as much fans of hers.

Even beyond that, the witch seemed trustworthy. No issues or questionable things in her background, she worked several other jobs and was a hard worker! She was a dream.


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