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  • “Hmmm, here we are! The Incrementum Pulchritudinis et Libidinis! Man, these old Latin spells sure have interesting names.”
  • Cassidy the witch was in her private bedroom’s bathroom, carefully placing the old tome down on the counter away from the sink
  • Cassidy chuckles to herself about the spell, saying it will put Beatrice in her place and finally get her to shut her trap.
  • Cassidy is the coven leader of her band of witches and head of all of their operations. Things were good and fine, but only one member had no respect for her: Beatrice
  • Beatrice had recently said the other day that Cassidy still looked the same after all these many years. Same face, hair, bod, clothing, the whole works. All the other witches have adjusted their looks over time, but Cassidy hasn’t.
  • Cassidy wasn’t particularly vain, but took pride in her looks. She forgot how old she was actually, but her looks were still of a mid-20 year old with incredible curves and a style black jacket and gray dress
  • Though, the remark kind of cut her in a way she didn’t expect. She really hadn’t change or tried to change herself at all. She already achieved perfection, right?
  • Well, a bit of a boost never hurt anyone, so why not? Cassidy thought as she glanced at the book again before heading over to the sink.
  • She looked through some spellbooks and old tomes she had in her storage, finding a very old, magically held together tome containing tons of spells in Latin. Seriously old magic that she never develed into
  • Her Latin was rusty, but she was pretty sure this particular spell about growing one’s beauty… though the last word she was sketchy on.
  • Whatever! She was a powerful witch. She’ll fix things if they’re not going good.
  • She took a deep breath and stared into the mirror, leaning forward with hands on sink.
  • She cooes the words, “Incrementum Pulchritudinis et Libidinis, Incrementum Pulchritudinis et Libidinis, Incrementum Pulchritudinis et Libidinis”
  • The feeling hits fast and causes her to quiver. Ooooo, now that’s a beauty spell with a kick!
  • Her hair wafts like there’s a draft in the room, catching her eyes. It almost looks at first like her hair grows longer, but it just gets thicker.
  • There’s some lighter changes, wavier in some parts and with a glossy shimmer, like she used the best conditioner and products on it. She liked it. Still the same, but still her
  • Looking back, she sees some more small adjustments. Her cheekbones high and cheeks a bit more hollow shifted. Cheeks a little fuller and bones not as prominent. Looks cuter and not as gaunt
  • She feels her cheeks, kind of liking their fullest and softness. Notices her fingernails are dark emerald green and longer. Same with other hand. She’s not usually one for doing her nails, but also likes it.
  • There’s more changes all at once. Longer eyelashes, eyebrows even thinner and sharper, and then dark green eyeshadow and lipstick that is glossy
  • She tries feeling her lips, but notices it isn’t lipstick. Its real, oddly natural.
  • Her heart races. SHe feels and looks so beautiful. She starts thinking about all the attention she get from men and women. Sure, she liked being pretty already in a witchy way, but now… she wanted that attention more. She couldn’t explain why
  • That’s when she notices something odd. Her complexion! It was usually this nice dark olive green tone. But from her face down, it turned to yellowish green, brighter in tone.
  • Part of Cassidy liked that. It made her prettier and more welcoming, not as sinister in a way. However, she wasn’t sure fully. It was a bit much.
  • But… she did go back to pretty. Thinking of herself like that, a rise of pride came forth.
  • I guess I can go with this for now, see where this goes. I’m getting so beautiful, so maybe it… oh!
  • She tingles again, the feeling increasing and burning. She began to sweat, her skin looking oddly smoother and glossier too.
  • Her clothing feels a little odd on her, like she’s noticing it touching and brushing against her more. It’s making her feel… warmer.
  • Before she could ponder further, she caught glimpse of her face. Her nose and chin, their long, witchy shapes… they were retracting.
  • Her chin still had a bit of a point, but not as significant and more humanism. Her nose was more small and petite, absolutely cute.
  • Her heart started to beat. She was still conflicted about her skin tone, but with this… sure, she lost even more of her witch traits.
  • But people do like a sexy face that’s not going to poke their eyes out. She shivers. Sexy… was she looking sexy? She was just thinking beautiful, but sexy sounded right now
  • Maybe keep going. Keep going with this new look. Maybe she’ll get both more beautiful and sexier?
  • Around her neck, a black choker appeared. Odd choice… but not bad! Though, she was thinking more…
  • A soft moan left her mouth. Her body quivered. Oooooh, what was that?
  • Looking down, her nipples were poking out more prominently in her dress. They felt so sensitive… and very nice.
  • Also, were areolas bigger? She could see more of them out of her dress…. Or was it that her low cut dress was even more low cut? More of her breasts seemed visible than usual
  • More for people to enjoy though! She bit her bottom lip. Why did that sound so nice? Why did she want them to be ogled?
  • She quivered as more of her attire shifted. Heels turn into very tall high heels, pushing her butt out more. Her moon earrings turn into thick hoop earrings. Her gray dress was lighter gray and… hugged her figure more.
  • But that didn’t compare to her breast boost. She shivered and moaned again, seeing her breasts grow more. E to F
  • Her arms bend in, mushing her breasts together. So much of her areolas were shown, her nipples almost over the top.
  • The desire to show them off was getting stronger. Soooo big. Be… be waste not to show anyone. Anyone who sees them would love them… maybe want to play with them.
  • She moans longer, licking her lips. Images of people groping her fill her mind. She tries to shake it, but it doesn’t fully go away.
  • Doesn’t help with sensitivity. She really feels her dress rubbing her nipples, underwear rubbing her crotch and more.
  • Licking her lips and bitting her bottom one really does a number for her. Her lips plump
  • Mmmm… licks her lips again. So sensitive. I… I want to suck on something now.
  • This spell… this wasn’t just a beauty spell. She could see… feel it now. This had done something else to her.
  • Maybe… maybe I should undo this now before anything.
  • Breasts grow to G-cups. One pops out, flopping out but oddly staying firm with out any sagging. Thankfully her magic was still working.
  • Holy crap~. She feels and gropes her expose breasts. So big and juicy. Other boob popps out. You girls want attention, don’t ya?
  • Cassidy cooes as sensitivity hits her rear. Oh! Somebody else wants attention now too~
  • Her hips expand, super curvy and wider than her shoulders. Her thighs thicker, rubbing and smooshing against each other. She moans again, envisionin someone rubbing and kissing her inner thighs.
  • Her rear expands, ballooning into a super big, protruding bubble butt. Big, heart-shaped, and jiggly with each step she’ll take.
  • Cheeks dark from blushing, she feels and pets her butt. So much ass! Mmmm, dat ass.
  • She twerks and spanks her, letting out an OOOOOOOO! God, why does she want others to spank it? Why does she want to grind it against some big stud’s crotch?
  • Mmmm, studs. She starts imagining guys, big strong guys. Big guys with dicks. Anyone with a big dick would satisfy.
  • She gropes her breasts against, tweeking her nipples. Breasts grow to H-cups. They’re bigger than her head now yet don’t sag at all.
  • She wants more hands on her breasts, not just her own. Mmmm, Eve would be good.
  • Quivers at the thought of her young apprentice groping… even suckling her nips. It would be good for her. Help expose the young lady into adult matter
  • She imagines the other witches in the coven. Mmm, they are all so stuck up and tight. Bet this spell would help them cut loose.
  • Her loins get wet, rubbing her thighs together. Yes, the coven should join in on this!. “Mmmhrrmm, they look good with some even bigger titties and asses.” Licks her lips, which get plumper with a real big bottom lip. “Some nice big cocksuckers too. Bet they be good at sucking dick and taking dick.”
  • Especially Beatrice. That witch was already the curvest one in the place. Bet she would be an even bigger bombshell.
  • Rear expands again as the dress shortens a lot, showing her crotch and most of her ass. Underwear vanishes expose her vagina
  • Cassidy starts imagining Beatrice as a big breasted witch like her, sucking and eating her out. OoOOh, somebody is finally respecting her!
  • Fingers and gropes herself, breasts hitting I-cups. So much larger than her breasts
  • As she does this, she thinks, Gawd, I’m acting like a total bimbo here.
  • Mmmm, bimbo. Maybe I wanna be that. It be a good new look for me.
  • Bimbos are hawt. She was hawt. Beautiful, sexy, hawt!
  • Starts seeing the coven all has green bimbos, pleasuring her. Yes! Why just her alone? All the witches should be bimbos!
  • She explodes and falls back on the ground, panting heavily.
  • She’s still super lustful and horny, groping a breast again. Yes, this is what must happen!
  • She weakly gets to her feet and examines herself in the mirror She was a total bombshell bimbo. Curves and figure out of this world, all in perfect, fit shape with her magic. That beauty spell made her perfect.
  • Almost all of her at least. Cassidy snaps her fingers, shivers. Skin tones turns back to dark olive green. Much better!
  • Her sensitivity isn’t as high, but that was fine. She looked so mature and adult now.
  • Plus, Cassidy grinned, can’t be total sex crazed all the time! She needed focus
  • Things were going to be different for the coven from now on. It would be a whole new beginning for them.
  • She was going to share this gift with them and awaken them to a whole new world.
  • Witch Bimbos! …no, that was too crude. They were professionals after all. They’re Witch Bims and they were dedicated to everyone’s needs.
  • Especially their own needs.
  • Their magic business was going to get a serious, adult overhaul. Perhaps venture in special videos, stage shows, and personalized makeovers.
  • Yes! Her head was swarming with new ideas already, along with horny thoughts of pleasuring men and women.
  • It was time for a new dawn! First things first, time to find her apprentice. Her master had big plans for new training.
  • THE END?


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