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“OH!” Cassidy stopped. Eve had suddenly shouted. “Oh no, oh no!”

“Oh no what?” Cassidy sighed, turning back.

“My shift today!” Eve sat up in bed, hotpatch still to her forehead. “Uuuuugh, my head’s been so scrambled that I forgot about it! Today’s a super biggie day too!”

Wait… job? What is she talking…

Then, it hit Cassidy. It hit right in the stomach. Oh, right. Pizza O’Clock.

That hit to the stomach made it bubble. A low gurgle came from it, a certain, hungry desire rising up as well. Tsk. Cassidy shook her head. I have plans for today. My witchly duties need to be focused on. I have no time for such… filling desires.

“Well, I’m sure they’ll do fine without you. Just call them. They’ll understand.”

“No no!” Eve shook her head. A dark, purple tint started to creep through it. “We’re a part of the food fair today!” Her nose began to turn black, a shimmer coming to it. “We need… we needs sumbuddy runnin’ da place ands I’s daOOF!”

Just as her nose began to swell and grow, it stopped. It went back to normal, along with her hair. Eve fell back onto her pillow, back as her normal, green, black-haired witchy self.

“Sooooo tired,” Eve moaned. “J-just… just everyone was… was looking forward to this opportunity. Everyone else is busy at the pizzeria, so it was up to me!”

That is a shame. Cassidy nodded. A food fair can be a big place to get your product and food known. She snorted, shaking her head. That damn owner should be hiring more people anyways instead of putting all their hopes on one-

“OH!” Eve piped up again. She tried to sit up, but fell back down faster than before. She smiled at Cassidy sweetly, but also weakly. “Could… could you fill-up for me?”

“Excuse me?” The head witch almost had to do a double take hearing that. “You want me to “fill-up” for you?”

“You would probably be able to do it!” Eve pleaded, “You’re super smart with businesses and promotions. You could easily talk up Pizza O’Clock and show off our pizzas!”

There was a twitch in her hand and then in Cassidy’s eye. The image of their pizzas appeared in her head. Those large pizzas stuffed with delectable toppings, the freshest and most delicious of smells, goopy but tasty cheese that stretched and stretched for miles when one pulled a slice out…

Another twitch hit Cassidy’s face. Her mouth felt watery, a tongue wiping away the slight bit of drool seeping out of her mouth. Her pointy, witch chin retracted, leaving her face a bit more round than before.

Not only that, but she felt a tightness brewing. Her striped stockings and shoes felt a tad uncomfortable, as if they were a size or two too small for the lady.

Get it together! Cassidy trembled, but shook her head. Her cheeks rosy red, she spoke with a firm voice. “Really now! I couldn’t possibly do such a thin-”

“And people do like pigs!”

SPROING! A cartoon sound effect echoed through the room, followed by a loud RIP too. That final bit cut through Cassidy hard. She looked down over her shoulder. A tail had torn through near the bottom of her dress, above her rear. It was curly at the start, but straightened out along the way, covered in chocolate brown fur with a puffy tuff at the end.

Dang it! I’m already leakin’ tooniness! One of her hands reached behind and felt her tail, sliding along its length. She shivered. It felt nice to do it. Maybe she could just-

Need ta… to focus! Cassidy pulled her hand back, clearing her throat. “Well, technically boar, but I digress. I’m not sure I could. I am very busy today, Eve.”

Her face grew redder. “Plus, if I do this, I will be really… “distracted” from my duties for a while if I were to fill-up in your place.”


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