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Yeeeeeees, everything’s gone to plan perfectly! The kobold chuckled to himself. He was very, very pleased. He had spent a long time planning this out and preparing how it would go down. So far, it was as he foreseen, the human cowering in fear.

All that time plotting this out, mastering his powers and his new self has come together swimmingly. He could almost laugh. His old self could never devise this clever plan or would even have the guts to do this.

Adaris thought back to before. He thought back to before he was this incredible, magnificent beast. He thought back to being some simple, silly gal playing games online with her friends. Being so weak and small like that? He dreaded the thought of ever returning to it.

Despite time passing and all reflecting on it, he still didn’t quite understand how he got here. He was playing a heated match at the time when the changes came in. His human form faded away and everything changed for the better. Perhaps he would never truly figure it out.

But why bother trying to understand these wonderful gifts he had been bestowed? As this great kobold, he knew what he… no, what he MUST do! With his new mind, personality, body, and powers, he must…

“FUCK!” Adaris twitched. “G-G-Get out of here!” The human had recovered from the shock of seeing him and much sooner than expected.

That was incredibly rude of her! I was reflecting on my past, my reason for doing what I’m doing, and… and she’s going for a knife.

Sure enough, the video gamer was grabbing a knife from the rack on the counter. She quickly charged at him recklessly, preparing to cut him up no doubt. Again, how incredible rude of her to do that. Doesn’t she know I’m her king?

Enough of that nonsense!” Adaris held up a clawed hand. A sharp, striking blue aura suddenly surrounded it.

The woman, Melody he believed her name was, froze up at the sight of it. Her hand still clutched the knife, fidgeting with it. Perhaps the point wasn’t strong enough? “Cease your foolish attack! Do not raise weapons towards your king! He does not appreciate it!”

There was silence, the woman staring. She still quivered, her eyes darting between him and the knife. It seemed like she wasn’t sure what to do.

She hesitates, but not out of respect. Adaris snorted. She doesn’t truly understand who her king is. Time to show her who’s in charge. So much for having a little prideful showboating and personal reflection!

The aura around his hand intensified, Melody trembling in fear. He felt a warmth go through him. However, he knew it would not compare to what she would soon feel.

He eyed her curiously, his gaze falling to her free hand. It twitched. The skin on the back of it looked red. No, it was red and scaly. The soft, paleness of it was fading away.


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