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Shivam Bhatt and Shane Bettenhausen join us this week as we revisit a topic last tackled by Retronauts a good decade ago: The first two Suikoden games by Konami. Rather than cover the entire series, we specifically explore the first two games in greater depth than our initial swipe at the topic (though, really, there hasn't been much doing in the Suikoden space since 2008).

Also this time around, we pay tribute to EGM editor and former Retronauts contributor Andrew Fitch, who passed away a few weeks ago of a sudden and aggressive form of cancer. It so happens Andrew had been on our previous Suikoden episode back in the 1UP era, so it seemed fitting to remember him in this conversation (which we'd already been planning to record even before we knew about his illness). The world, and this Suikoden conversation, are poorer for his loss.



Miro Fink

Rest in peace, Andrew.


this was another great episode about a series I've heard mention but never came across (neither siblings nor friends owned it). Interested in that 3DS game/successor