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Hi everyone, looks like this episode won't be late after all. 

This show comes to you after we received nothing but positive responses after last year's examination of Breath of the Wild's reinterpretation of classic Zelda concepts. We saw lots of requests for more episodes along the same lines, and Super Mario Odyssey seemed like a logical follow-up. (Don't worry, I've already begun planning a non-Nintendo episode like this for our next recording session.) This week, we look at how the latest Mario game embraces the series' past, from the overt — as in, New Donk City Festival — to the more subtle. Plus, lots of feedback from you, the listener. A good time is had by all, hopefully.



Kormakur Gardarsson

Impeccable timing! Same day I receive my Switch and a copy of Mario Odyssey you release this episode! Thanks!


In Mario Odyssey, Moons _are_ levels. Once I started to think of them like that, it was a lot more fun. What's the reward for passing 5-3 versus just using the warp zone? Nothing, really, except the joy of doing the level. Same-same with moons in Odyssey, they are levels to be passed; neither more nor less.


Great show guys. I did appreciate the botw episode in the same format. i hope i dont have to wait until metroid prime 4 for a prime 1 or triology episode. although the most logical thing to do is a mario u episode so jeremy can dive deep and explain himself once and for all!

Will Oliver

I'm thankful that you always get a group of people willing to disagree with each other. The varied perspectives and opinions keep this adventure exciting. 👍


Yay, my email got read.


I was very happy to hear the critical e-mails and discussion. The game is fantastic, no doubt...but after the story and some brief exploration, I was done. Can't really put my finger on why, but this podcast helped me sort of see why. I think the inevitable sequel to this that refines some of the ideas could be absolutely amazing.