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By patron request! This episode covers a lot of ground we've explored already in our Apple II, Myst, and metroidvania episodes, but again: This is by request. Plus, Brøderbund deserves a dedicated episode — especially one that goes beyond just their games and explores their productivity apps. I think all people of a certain age can't help but see that triple-crown logo and be taken back to their childhood days of mucking around in a computer lab with The Print Shop… 

Despite the unhappy outcome that befell Brøderbund in the end, it was a huge part of many people's formative days. Ben, Benj, and I have all attempted to do justice to the subject matter! And to get the pronunciation of the name correct…

Just as a quick heads-up, next week's episode will be coming in a day or two late. I'm heading to San Francisco in a few days to record four solid days of podcasts, then flying home first thing Monday. 




Gotta say I appreciate all the hard work both you guys are putting into this! Glad to see the huge successes you both are having. Fan for life.


Even if it was a Patron request, thanks for putting this together. I love Retronauts cause you guys are the only ones who would dig deep into a company like Broderbund. It's so great.

James Irish

Wonderfully done podcast this week. Thank you for reading my letter!


I saw this week’s topic, I almost fell over! So exciting to an old fogey like me. First this week I get bifocals now THIS! Btw, if I may be so humble to make a suggestion, have you guys ever thought of a discussion of Microprose?

A. Ron Burgundy

In this episode, when discussing the correct pronunciation of Jordan Mechner's name, Jeremy says that he's never met the man. He is correct, but he came close to meeting him: he was interviewed on Retronauts, but it was by Bob: <a href="https://archive.org/details/RetronautsLivePrimeOther/RetronautsInterviewMinisode-JordanMechnerAndKarateka.mp3" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://archive.org/details/RetronautsLivePrimeOther/RetronautsInterviewMinisode-JordanMechnerAndKarateka.mp3</a> (also discussed at the beginning of the show: correct pronunciation of Karateka)

Scott Scallion

Despite its flaws, The Last Express is one of my favorite games of all time. It felt like in an alternate history, it would have been the type of game that was a culmination of the previous decade’s creators’ dreams for interactive fiction. But, instead it was released in a far different gaming landscape. The wonder I felt playing the through the game the first time is something I wish I could go back and experience again.