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[UPDATE: 7/19/23] Thank you everyone! The form is now closed. We really appreciate the response. We couldn't have done it without you! [/UPDATE]

Hello everyone!

We're in the final leg of this marathon that has been the writing of the How to ADHD book! We've also noticed that there are some topics that we don't actually have many quotes for, and thus would love to once again hear from you all.

Click here if you are interested in submitting a quote!

If any of the questions (and their subsequent descriptions) are not clear, please don't hesitate to reach out here on Patreon in the comments below!

Your email address will not be required, but your Patreon display name will be, that way if for any reason we need to contact you further about your quote, we have a method to reach you.

Thank you so much for everyone who has submitted quotes over this journey, and thank you to those who may submit new quotes too!

This will be open for at least a few days, though I do not have a specific cut-off date at this point. So if you plan to "get back to this later" please remember to set yourself an alarm! 🧡

- Harley L.
Community Manager



ADHD is a marathon not a Sprint except you get distracted at multiple the water stations along the way.

Lindsey Summerfelt

Better super late than never…. Filled in the quote questionnaire. Even if it’s too late, it was like journaling, and good reflection!