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Hello, Brains & Hearts! 

Every so often we get some members in our Community tab here on Patreon who make a post, though we've noticed the response is fairly minimal. We have been trying to encourage more use of it, but until this exact morning, we may not have thought about making an actual post about it. 

We're good at this~ 

If you want to connect with each other and make your own posts with your own questions for each other (and us, we love reading and participating with ya!), please feel more than free to pop into our Community tab here on Patreon! 

We ask that you keep language welcoming (meaning no shaming, no discrimination, no attacking, etc, etc), respect each other and each other's differences, and if you do feel there is a problem, please let us know via Patreon DM. We'll assess the situation and address it as necessary.

Don't know where this glorious tab is? No worries, we got you! 

At the top of our Patron page, you should see something like this: 

"Community" is where you want to go! 

You can feel free to make your own post. You can feel free to respond to other posts as well! 

Discord isn't for everyone, we know, so we hope this can be a nice alternative for those of you who prefer to not use Discord. :) 

Happy posting! 

🧡 Harley & the HTADHD Team


Jeremy Kermott

Thank you for the open invitation! I didn't realize that I could get to the "Community" feed very easily on the Patreon mobile app, but I just figured out 2 ways in about 1 minute. The first way I found was to find HowToADHD using the 🧭 compass looking "search". The second was was easier from this post feed... Just tap on the name "How to ADHD" at the top of one of your posts. Both methods went to your home page on Patreon, and then on to the "Community" link from there!

Free Polazzo

I have been following this group. I like how it is set up. I don't post because I feel like an outlier. I was only given an evaluation when i was 72. That was 6 years ago! The meds I take helped, but most of my healing is forgiving myself for all the times I upset people. I can remember being punished in my elementary school classes for volunteering too often. Most all the literature seems about children. I am looking forward to reading the "ADHD Tool Box". Are there any other folk in this forum who are 75 or more? Are we the "invisible generation"?


I’m 55 and waiting for my diagnosis appointment in 2 weeks time. I can see ADHD in my aunts and my mum was too she never knew. My parents They are you age but don’t know about adhd. We are part of two generations that have a high number of undiagnosed or misdiagnosed neurodiversity. . You’re not alone though so please don’t feel like an outlier, . We can’t change the past and how we were treated, but the present and future are yours to be curious and explore with better understanding and kindness for yourself. Hey it’s always easier to advise other what to do, I’m trying to take my own advice too 😂 look a5 all your strengths if you can’t see them ask the people that love you .


hi! aged 66 here, probably AuDHD, and only learning about ND through the online community. I have an AHDH friend/colleague who's 80 and over the years we've evolved ways to work together that accommodate her style. Never thought it applied to me though until recently - now I'm all "wow that explains such a lot"


Hi Free Polazzo! A mere 49 here, but I can tell you that my experience matches yours. ADHD remained largely undiagnosed and terribly misunderstood until fairly recently. Because it is an invisible disability, without understanding and self-advocacy, the people around us will always see our symptoms as choices/misbehaviors. Take it easy on yourself, and just do your best moving forward. Don't be afraid to let the people around you know that ADHD makes simple things difficult sometimes!

Free Polazzo

Yes, Victoria! I will do better at focusing on my strengths. I am also better at not getting over involved in what I do. Thanks to all who welcomed me to this community. Feels good to have a place where I can belong and be understood.


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