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Link: https://youtube.com/shorts/eDStWpYp1s4

What is working memory like for you? 


ADHD and Working Memory #adhd #shorts



It honestly feels like being hijacked by my brain. I get distracted by something for a second and suddenly I couldn't tell you what I was talking about for the life of me. And having COVID seems to have only made it worse. I honestly think that's why I finally got diagnosed at age 35, because the double hit to my working memory was impossible to ignore.


I always struggled with being verbally told numbers for comparison purposes, like statistics used in news reports. If they're written down, no problem, as I can refer to each number as needed. But once I have to rely on being told something verbally, I'll hear the first number but immediately lose it as soon as I hear the second number, and it takes extra effort to hold it in my mind to process being told the first number again... Does that make any sense? 😅 It just goes to show how my least favourite and least remembered courses, classes or training sessions were ones where I was only monologued at, rather than having something on paper to put extra context to it (nevermind being able to write key points down!).

Ann Ingham

This one isnt working in Patreon

How to ADHD

Yup! Pending where you access it from (desktop, for example) it doesn't like to play on Patreon; so for shorts you can click the link below and it'll take you to it directly on YouTube. 😊 - Harley Community Manager


I got post notes all over my work station for thing I written down to remember.


SAME. And if I am being told numbers (I also am pretty certain I have dyscalculia), part of my brain is tied up with 'oh god, I'm going to forget these numbers, there's no way I'm going to remember them. Wait, what? I'm still being given numbers, and now I'm actually not even listening. I should say something.' It's a whole thing.


Working memory is one of the biggest things I struggle with, as I'm always onto the next task at hand, or thinking of other tasks/things to do etc etc. I'm often told "how could you forget I just told you that" which can be rough, Medication helps, sadly some of the medication that worked better for me isn't covered by insurance.


My working memory is complete trash. I've started writing things down on my phone or a nearby pocket notebook. One accommodation that I request people to make for me is when they tell me something important- something I need to get at the store, a future engagement or appointment with someone, a teen needing a ride home from work, etc, I ask them to please text it to me so that I can refer to it later. My daughter's manager and I were just talking about this yesterday. Her partner has ADHD and she didn't understand how he could forget something so quickly after she had just told him and was expressing her frustrations with dealing with some aspects of his ADHD. I told her what I know about how ADHD and working memory works with things you're doing and what you're being told and I gave her an example in real time because I had literally just asked my daughter to text me something she had just told me and her manager chuckled and said her bf does that too. So I explained step-by-step how I was about to forget that information. After explaining it from my perspective, she understood how we can forget things so quickly. I pointed her to the channel on YouTube and told her I would recommend she check out some of the videos. It might help her understand her partner a bit better and make their relationship a little less frustrating to her because if she can make small accommodations, it'll ultimately help the both of them be less frustrated. She actually brought the channel up right there to have it in her history.

How to ADHD

Awwwwwwwwww that sounds like such a lovely interaction!! And we're honoured that you sent her our way as well! 🧡 It's so awesome that you were able to help explain the memories issues from your perspective in a way that helped her better understand. It's nott always easy. Way to go!! 😊 - Harley, Community Manager


You all have helped me to understand and explain to others so much, I send everyone your way. I never understood why I couldn't overcome certain hurdles until I watched the Motivation Bridge video. I own a business and I've shown some of the videos to my manager and some of the employees. The employees are fellow brains and the manager is a heart. Thank you all for doing what you do!