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Day 269 — Mental health summit!!! W/special guest



Definitely did a fangirl squee when Dani popped into frame. So good! And so appropriate for you to be at a mental health summit on #bourdainday. <3


That is awesome!! And it sounds like you are working to extend yourself a little more grace - I'm proud of you, Jessica! :) And I hope you know that we will be here to support you no matter what. I know it's easier said than done, but I'm starting to realize how important it is for us to give ourselves grace and permission to be where we are. It is ok to not be ok! All we can do is our best with what resources (time, knowledge, emotional bandwidth, etc.) we have available right now. I used to think that "doing my best" meant not "failing," but now I am realizing that my definition of "failing" is quite flawed! I just had my water shut off because I forgot to pay my bill for the last couple of months because there has been so much happening in my life lately. I was feeling really embarrassed and ashamed about it, seeing it as a significant failure, and therefore as a sign that I failed to "do my best" (or, honestly to even "do a minimally adequate job..."). I've spent most of the day reminding myself that I really am doing the best I can with what I have right now, so I called to pay my late bills immediately. Now, all I can do is make some changes to help myself build better habits to make this less likely in the future. I feel as though this instance has shown me that I really have been improving in extending myself grace, too - I think I actually feel ready to let go of the shame and let myself off the hook. Ooof, cognitive restructuring takes a lot of work and a lot of time, doesn't it? But it's worth it!!