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Day 270 — end of mental health summit thoughts



I still think there aren't enough resources made available to those who need it. Mental health issues are still going untreated because it is seen as either a huge issue that needs an intervention, or nothing at all. It is still tough to find anywhere to go, that will take you seriously without making appointments, scheduling months in advance, etc. We have walk in clinics with same day appointments for minor health concerns, why cant we get a mental health equivalent? I think if this type of option was easily available to people, small problems could be dealt with before they become bigger issues.


Fabulous video! It looks like amazing experience. I'd give almost anything to be able to attend something like that. I don't know anyone who had ADHD to the degree I have. It would help me so much to talk to someone in person. Besides my therapist. Thanks for the video! The HBO prospect is exciting!