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Day 267 — want a free personalized video (email me!)



Yay, how fun! Great way to reconnect, and yay for thinking it through omg yes. I emailed you <3


Cool! Will do.


Great idea. If I had a request it would be, how to deal with difficult people at work, such as an OCD person and power hungry person that has to be right, And he has to have the final word. It's a real struggle for me at the moment.


What is your email address? I don't Jessica at Gmail would work


Awesome idea! Though don't be afraid to cancel if you find it draining, as you said ^^


So I'm going to leave this link here for anyone interested: https://www.cameo.com/howtoadhd


I'm de-pledging Jessica. Nothing personal but that I still have income issues and I never really look at this stuff the whole Patreon world is still a bit foreign to me, plus the groups and I have never settled down into a way to check all the stuff with any regularity so it goes unused, and as much as I'd like to support you, I gots to support me first. You do great work and appears that you've made a large group of supporters. I'll continue to share your info and love what you do on Youtube and am happy to see you getting past the ugliness of the D. I'll be back and maybe then I can use this Patreon and all that other stuff in a more meaningful way. Muchas gracias y Adios Amiga (for now)


It's there any way for us to leave a review for you on Cameo? I signed up hoping I could, but it looks locked. I'd love to help you out with a review there for the video you sent.