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Edward shares what it's like to quit video games cold turkey for a week, and shares his experiences juggling some of the comorbidities of his ADHD.


Day 113 - Video Game Fast and Co-morbidities

Edward shares what it's like to quit video games cold turkey for a week, and shares his experiences juggling some of the comorbidities of his ADHD.



I had a very similar experience. I was diagnosed at 40. I was prescribed anti anxiety pills while my psychiatrist and psychologist debated if I have ADHD. The made me feel fabulous. I just sat there no motivation and stared out the window... ADHD -Pi


Edward, first thanks for sharing with us. I can relate to your experience since I was being treated for depression for years. I call it treating the symptom of the main problem. I got diagnosed in about my mid 40’s or so. I really did not get the correct medication for my ADHD until my late 40’s. I too had developed a lot of coping skills through the school of hard knocks. You are right about finding the right counselor. I too was lucky enough to have one that I had for about 7 years. I am doing a lot better, but run into issues from time to time. I have to stay away from video games because they are to addicting to me. I would start playing one at 10-11PM at night and the next thing I knew it was 2 or 3AM. I can even get caught up in the card game solitaire. I am currently on one of the medication you are on and have tried the other. My body’s blood chemistry could not handle it and after a week I thought my heart was going to come out of my chest. I was bummed because it was working well. From what I have read it will take 2 to 3 weeks to get your body and mind use to a new routine or habit. I am surprised your hands were not shaking from DT’s from going cold turkey. I am sure you will be able to make the adjustment. It sounds like you have a good support structure in place.


I don't know where else to share this and I honestly haven't even watch the video yet because I'm not caught up. After 8 years of suspecting and two of my children being diagnosed about 30 minutes ago I just got my official diagnosis of ADHD. I am so relieved and excited.


Everyone has a medication or combination of medicines that work best for them. My daughter took Lexapro for a while. She gained 50 pounds, developed suicidal ideations, and had withdrawals for 3 months after she stopped taking it. Now she is hesitant to take meds.


Welcome to the tribe!! That "Ooooooo..." moment was amazing to me. When I got my official diagnosis I cried because what was always in my head wasn't just "in my head" anymore. Congrats on this discovery, and on your journey to understanding <3


:( Sorry to hear about her experience. There are a number of non-medical therapies for both ADHD and Depression which can help in the short (and long) run. My favorites are behavioral therapies where you work to train your brain into better thought habits, and better life habits. If she wants to try medication again, hopefully something else will work much better. I had a TERRIBLE reaction to the Nuvaring birth control--mood swings, suicidal thoughts, irrational paranoia, etc. Basically it took who I was on period hormones, and multiplied it by 100. My reactions to Adderall are lack of appetite, the tendency to HYPER-focus (which leads to lack of physical activity), and some mood changes like I have a shorter fuse and increased irritability. But that decreases as my body habituates to it, and so far I haven't had any withdrawal from NOT taking it when I forget or deliberately skip days, I just feel like I'm a little more tired. That is my experience though. Unfortunately everyone is different.

How to ADHD

Yes! Welcome to the tribe!!! How exciting to be diagnosed as a family. It’ll be nice to have company on the journey, and remember we’re here too <3 And don’t worry about being caught up, the vlogs are usually random musings :) We keep them simple so the focus can stay on the main content.