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B Corp for short. Wanna help us come up with our mission statement? Leave suggestions in the comments!


Day 114 — Becoming a Benefit Corporation!

B Corp for short. Wanna help us come up with our mission statement? Leave suggestions in the comments!



How about this: How to ADHD is an organization whose mission is to provide information and education about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and related conditions and to provide support and advocacy for children and adults with ADHD and people whose lives are affected by ADHD.


congrats, before you know it, you just might land in the history books for generations to come at this rate.


Riffing off of Daniel and Lisa: To provide support and advocacy for all those living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). To educate and inform the world about ADHD, the people living with it and the impact it has on their lives.


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMeCsnhH10c" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMeCsnhH10c</a>


Something with the line “worthy of attention”? I was struck by the double meaning when you shared (post about your brother) and it’s stuck with me


Maybe a formal summary of the aims and values of your organization is as simple as "Do Good". It kind of embraces everything you're doing while leaving room to grow. (Like if you wanted to run fund raisers, volunteer events, workshops, etc...)

How to ADHD

Your suggestions are amazing, thank you!! I want to be specific enough that someone can read it and be like “yes! That’s an organization I want to support!” but broad enough that it doesn’t limit us in case, I dunno, they change the name of ADHD again. 😂 Although if that happens, I guess the channel name is in trouble too.


Something with LIFT in it. I believe that is what you came up in the one video. Oh, congratulations!!!!!!!! You are making an impact, I know you have helped me.


So firstly I think it’s totally fine for your mission statement to change if the name of ADHD changes again. You cannot predict and are not responsible for the future of language. But if you actually want the organisational mission to be broad enough to encompass all Nerodiversities how about: To provide support and advocacy for all those living with Neurodiversity. To educate and inform the world about Neurodiversities, the people living with them and the impact it has on their lives.


Small note on the language, "neurodiversity" is used to refer to the entire variety of neurological differences in humanity and includes neurotypical brains as well, so it's never plural. I think you wanted either "neurodivergences" or "neuro-atypicalities", which are both used to refer to brains which are not neurotypical. So you might say instead "To provide support and advocate for all neurodivergent people. To educate and inform the world about neurodiversity, neurodivergent individuals, and the impact their neurotypes have on their lives."


To provide a voice and platform for ADHD+ brains. (The + could refer to comorbidities and such!)


For a mission statement...how about "Helping all brains find their way".