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Sometimes you have to kill your darlings. This is one of those times.


Day 112 — ADHD parenting episode in progress



If you ever feel like reviving this darling, I'd love to assist in whatever way you need. My daughter is 8, has autism/ADHD and I've been her primary carer since she was 2. I've learnt maaaany coping techniques through all of her wonderful early intervention therapists to the point that even though I have ADD I can manage (mostly) to give her what she needs and she is a happy healthy kid currently on no meds and managing in a mainstream school. I also had an amazing mum growing up who taught me and my older brother (who also has ADHD/dyslexia) coping mechanisms for ADD before it was even recognised as something other than "naughty kids." Also tbh, little kids are just like puppies so you're not far off. If anything, my labrador was more trouble than my daughter!


Something that helps me at a moments notice when I need to remember something once in the short term, google voice assistant. I say something like "ok google, remind me in 20 min to call chuck" or "ok google, remind me when I get home to mow the grass" there is time based and location based reminders. Great for in the moment thoughts. It might appeal to younger kids. Siri for Apple, I do believe, does the same.


Reminders are my jam, I think I'm trying to find the limits of alarms on iOS :D


Try not to think of it as killing off your ideas - instead making them into something even more amazing and creative!


Ps. Acceptance, love and patience are super important things to any child - but I think especially for children with adhd.


THANK YOU! I've been struggling with my ADHD son who was first diagnosed with Autism spectrum. I am also ADHD, and having had a prefrontal cortex stroke (I do NOT recommend it, the paperwork is HELL!) I have my own set of challenges, including my husband not following the exact same procedures for things (like wake-up time on the weekends)


I have told people if you want a small idea about having kids get a dog. The good news with a dog is you can put him in his cage and go out for a little bit. My first child was colicky and I would not wish that on even my enemies. I see your point though but I understand why they recommended not to do it. Personally I think cats are more ADHD. Just think that your dog gave you the idea and consistency with the message from both parents is important in both cases. It will be a good video, but something tells me the star of the episode (the dog) is going to have fun with you.


This makes me think of how as brains we aren't aware that there is a box. You were talking about making information digestible and I think sometimes we get so caught up in our idea of how we think it should be. It makes sense in our head but it may not make sense to everyone else because we see things in a very unique way. Also, I have a hard time letting go of things I am really passionate about too. Especially if it involves emotions.