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It's rare that Edward and I disagree on a big creative decision. This is how we handle it. 


Day 91 — To Music or Not to Music?

It's rare that Edward and I disagree on a big creative decision. This is how we handle it.



I agree that some music needs to be there, and the non sequiturs might be hard to do with good timing without it, but sometimes the music is too much for my brain, I have a tendency to latch onto background noise ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You covered the issue quite well, we all need different amounts of stimuli. I have not yet had an issue with too much background music before on your channel but I certainly have on others. This is hardly helpful advice but I will say, you are unlikely to ever get a happy medium where every viewers thinks the mix is okay. I know some don't want music at all whereas I would struggle without it to keep my focus on the video. Yes always work hard to make the videos as suitable for everyone you can but at some points you guys will have to accept that there is no way to keep everyone happy and accept and forgive yourselves for that. You do an amazing job and have helped me immensely and seeing the dedication you have is great BUT sometimes you have to draw a line.


Also, I have been a Patreon since the start of the week and ploughed through all these vlogs and most of the channel content. As a freshly (2 weeks) diagnosed 23 year old, who has always known but struggled for 2 years to get it diagnosed in the UK and struggled to achieve my goals and targets, this channel is incredible. It really does fill in the areas which sadly the NHS just cannot fill with the incredibly embarrassing budget we as a country give it. Thank you for that, especially while I have a 2 month wait before starting the medication process.


I was literally just thinking yesterday how much I appreciate how concisely you present information, Jessica. You’re laser-focused (oh the irony) and you keep things moving and engaging but the content doesn’t ever seem frenetic for which I am so, so grateful! That being said, my gutt says “go with yours!” Thank you for all you do. This 52 year old 🧠 is so much better for all the work you guys do on our behalf!!!


I can see were in this case there is a disagreement. If the video is busy and quick paced, I can see issues with certain people trying to focus on the content. This goes to my belief that ADHD has different ranges from very mild to very severe. I can see the difference between the two of you and why the conflict. I like that you are working it out and both make good points and finding a good middle ground. That is why your videos are so good.


This is really awesome because it's not only setting a precedent for how future episodes like this one, but it's also setting a precedent for how you two handle situations like this. Super proud of you for working together to come up with a solution you're both content with ^_^ just don't forget the 80% rule!


I see you went with no/minimal music but kept the sound effects. It worked well for me--if I hadn't known there was a music option it wouldn't have even occurred to me. I think the pace was so fast that musical emphasis wasn't really needed, and erring on the side of not giving people brain overload was the best :P BTW, I was watching Monk last night and went "Woah, wait, what??" I know it's an old ep and Jessica was only on there for a few minutes, but it was cool to go "Hey! I KNOW that person. Well, not really, but...I know her!"