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Hannah Hart and Hannah Gelb have a new podcast (https://apple.co/2HmXTkx) exploring mental health, and I got to be a guest! We shot this vlog right after recording an episode where Hannah Gelb begins to come to terms with the possibility of having ADHD.


Day 92 — HANNAHlyze This! The Podcast!

Hannah Hart and Hannah Gelb have a new podcast (https://apple.co/2HmXTkx) exploring mental health, and I got to be a guest! We shot this vlog right after recording an episode where Hannah Gelb begins to come to terms with the possibility of having ADHD.



(: I feel the exact same way as non-hannah heart (i don't know her last name) (except for i didnt ever think ADHD would ruin your life)


These three together...just wonderful.


My heart goes out to the non-hanna heart hanna. I was recently diagnoses at 40. I went for psych testing for therapy resistant depression/anxiety. Half way through the testing the psychologist asked me if I wanted ADHD medication. I was diagnosed with ASD+ADHD. I said no, because I got this far without it. It took me two months of therapy to get to a place to make an appointment with a psychiatrist due to the stigma. I wish you the best of luck on your journey! The diagnosis has helped me put things in perspective. I really hop if you go down the road of diagnosis you get the peace needed to better handle your life. Also this video is something that is vlog entry is something that is really needed in the mental health community!!!! Thank you for posting!!!!!!


For Hannah Gelb (and all others who are hesitant to get themselves diagnosed): "What is true is already so. Owning up to it doesn't make it worse." -Gendlin If you don't know about something, you can't take it into account. Some people feel like they're doing fine, so they don't see the point of it. They've learned to work around some of their shortcomings, but sometimes the way they do this is slowly grinding them down. I see getting a diagnosis more like getting the user manual to a complicated appliance like a car. Getting that manual doesn't mean your car suddenly breaks down. It means you have something that might actually help you fix it if and when it does break down. Arguably more importantly, it also tells you whether the way you've been taking care of it is actually right, or if you're causing unnecessary wear and tear. Anyhoo, keep up the great work, Jessica, and I'll be sure to check out that podcast. the Hannahs seem like a blast to listen to. :) P.S.: I guess this is also my metaphor submission for day 88


LOVE this metaphor!! My husband this weekend told me that when I when I say something about my ADHD, he was basically hearing "It's not my fault and not something I''m going to fix." I blinked and said, "That's not what I'm saying AT ALL. I'm saying that I've discovered that this is something my brain isn't good at, but it's something I CAN work on because now I have the tools!" Maybe I should use the car analogy with him, because it's like discovered that instead of a Honda Accord, I have a Maserati...and I never learned how to drive stick or what those little pedals do, and I've been using the wrong octane gas all these years :P But now I have a manual, and I'm getting better at driving myself every day :D On the other hand, I don't think he's entirely happy about some of the changes, because I'm not forgetting like I used to. He used to just be able to give me a couple days and I'd forget anything and everything he said. Now... I'm tracking better, so HE'S having to work to find the manual for himself too :P


I don’t know where Law to post this. jessica, I think I have bipolar II. My new psych stopped my adhd meds because she thinks I’m bipolar. My therapists concur. I showed my fiancé the screening tool and based on his observations which i agree with it is likely I do have bipolar. It is hard for me to distinguish which symptoms are bipolar and which are my adhd. No one has a really nice video on the difference. (Note: I mean bipolar 2. Bipolar 1 is pretty distinctive!)

How to ADHD

Hm that’s a great topic idea — because not everyone understands the role of emotional dysregulation with ADHD, it’s often misdiagnosed as bipolar. The difference is ADHDers experience normal emotions but have trouble regulating their emotions, whereas bipolar is actually a mood disorder

How to ADHD

I think it’s usually a good idea to get a second opinion on that since they’re so commonly confused.