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Slightly NSFW warning: Jessica accidentally says the F word at about 3:15. Honestly, I was pretty sure I would be the first to slip up, but Jessica got that honor on our three month vlog-iversary! Yay! ALSO IMPORTANT: If you are reading this just as it's been uploaded, around midnight Wednesday night (the evening of April 18, 2018) get into the Discord chat! I'm going to take a "group photo" of everybody talking in the chat at 12:30 AM Pacific time! This video also covers "You tube after dark" (hint: it looks a lot like tired people), Edward's fool proof method of cleaning, and JESSICA STEALS ONE OF HIS COOKIES AND IT'S ON TAPE COURT PROCEEDINGS TO FOLLOW!


Day 90 - ANNIVERSARRRRRRY!!! (NSFW, slightly)

Slightly NSFW warning: Jessica accidentally says the F word at about 3:15. Honestly, I was pretty sure I would be the first to slip up, but Jessica got that honor on our three month vlog-iversary! Yay! ALSO IMPORTANT: If you are reading this just as it's been uploaded, around midnight Wednesday night (the evening of April 18, 2018) get into the Discord chat! I'm going to take a "group photo" of everybody talking in the chat at 12:30 AM Pacific time! This video also covers "You tube after dark" (hint: it looks a lot like tired people), Edward's fool proof method of cleaning, and JESSICA STEALS ONE OF HIS COOKIES AND IT'S ON TAPE COURT PROCEEDINGS TO FOLLOW!



Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think I missed an email somewhere for the Discord server. How do I get in there?


I think this is one of my favorite vlogs so far. The assorted side notes and funny banter are great.


T_T 12:30am pst!? That's 3:30am for me. T_T


me too? I forget a lot of stuff. I forgot I was able to see this stuff. LOL I see the emails oh butterfly


That was so awesome! Happy Anniversary! Oh my gosh Edward that was brilliant! Yes I am doing basic Algebra when X is ME so I get rid of everything on my side of the equation and wala dump it somewhere SOLUTION X = all of the clutter is not mine!!!! very clever


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! And yah... I'm PST too, but midnight is WAY past when I turn into a pumpkin :P SO I hope those who could be involved had fun. And the downstairs looks amazing! I can tell there was something important you were supposed to be doing instead (isn't that how it works... I know my house was REALLY clean when I was supposed to be doing taxes....)


I don't know which one (but it's not too far back), but Jessica actually drops the F-word in an earlier vlog. I'm 99% percent sure about that.


Happy Anniversary! Go get 'em!


Swearjar for the HowToADHD household!