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Link to sign up for the Bright and Quirky Child Summit: https://www.positiveimpactfamily.com/bright-quirky-conference-2018/?ref=38


(Puppy) mom vlog and free (human) parenting summit!

Link to sign up for the online summit: https://www.positiveimpactfamily.com/bright-quirky-conference-2018/?ref=38



Hey jessica can i use the thing you linked to without having a official diagnosis? Because i want to but i am struggling to get a diagnosis. Also when is the age limit cut off 17? 18? younger?

How to ADHD

Absolutely! Most ADHD strategies are useful for similar struggles too. If you need help, there’s no need to wait for a diagnosis to start seeing what helps. There’s no age cutoff although a lot of the info will probably be directed at parents, it’s still going to be helpful for kids too I think


When my son with ASD was in High School, the teachers, counselors, and admins had no idea how to manage a gifted child who needed 504 accommodations. They saw two categories, accelerated classes and special ed. They didn’t understand how he could handle accelerated classes but need more time on tests and quiet study time.

How to ADHD

Yep, I hear that story WAY too often. I wonder if there’s a way to mass promote this to schools...

How to ADHD

In my case, I was doing “well enough” so I didn’t get special school support for being gifted *or* my ADHD challenges. It’s almost like they cancelled each other out. :/


My son wasn’t diagnosed with ASD (then Asperger’s) until his Junior year of High School. The number of years he struggled because I didn’t understand breaks my heart. (Having a sister who resembled Tigger didn’t help him much either.) it was an interesting household.


Okay, this is semi-unrelated (and maybe an example of my ADHD brain), but in multiples vlogs I've seen that water cooler in the back of the video, and it has led me to wonder quite a bit, forgive me I'm extremely curious. Why do you have a water cooler, instead of just using a faucet for water? Also, do you have to buy new water tank things or can you refill it? I've just never seen one in someone's home ever, only in public places, so it really confuses me. I've literally spent several videos questioning this, and I was wondering if you could provide me with an answer pretty please.


Can't answer for Jessica herself, but they're quite common in Californian households. Public water usage is expensive and monitored for conservation, so many households buy bottled water for drinking. My parents buy the huge flats of individual bottles from Costco because they spend a lot of time away from home, but these water coolers are a more economical and environmentally friendly option. The Alhambra water delivery trucks also used to be very shiny, so I envied kids whose parents had water coolers when I was young :P


Water coolers were also ESSENTIAL when I lived in Mexico--between the shortages and the iffiness of the water itself :P Water was delivered every Thursday morning to our street, at 4AM, by vans that blared "Yellow Rose of Texas" and "La Cucaracha" on their horns to make sure people knew they were coming. If you missed it, you were boned :/


Thanks for the link, and I've registered <3 I'm dealing with the challenges of a brilliant but "aggressively social" brain. When I was a kid I was allowed to be weird. And a large part of that was made possible by me being quiet, being happy by myself, and while I made friends easily, it wasn't a big deal to me if I lost them because they stopped liking me (I have long believed in my innate awesomeness, so people not liking me was confusing, not damaging *headdesk*). But my son is loud, impulsive, (verbally) hyper, and wants someone there to play with him, be with him, 24-7. So people NOT wanting to be around him, or being mad with him, is similarly confusing (he's mama's mini-brain like that), but damaging because he's heard to often from kids (and others) that HE'S the problem. Lately he's taken to hitting himself in the head and calling himself stupid when his behavior is corrected :/ Something I heard you say early on in a video comes back to me ALL THE TIME... and that's how much more often ADHD kids are corrected/chastised vs other children. Even as an inattentive kid, I was singled out in 1st grade BY MY TEACHER as "Spacy Lacey", a nickname that followed me the rest of my life. My son has spent his life in a fog of well-meaning/frustrated people trying to get him to understand things he just...can't. Trying to get him to listen when he just can't. Trying to get him to LEARN, to stop behaviors, to model acceptable ones. And I've come to realize over this past year, that we did that so much before we knew what the issue was, assuming he'd catch on... that he's never been allowed to be HIMSELF. I'm not taking joy in HIM, because so much of HIM is what is trying to be corrected away--the funny voices, the over-enthusiastic hugs, the irrational fears, the exaggerated emotions and the grinning destruction of anything which is not fun. I think I've talked before about trying to make a space for him to be HIM--a youtube channel. And working on other things.


Wow thank you that was really intersting. I live in the midwest and water is super easy to get here. My family has our own well and it pumps up whatever we need. I suppose with droughts and all you have to stock up? That makes sense, I really had no idea why they were needed. It's extremly mind blowing to me how in the USA alone the culture and lifestyle of different areas differs so much.

How to ADHD

Yep, water is monitored carefully here (you’re only allowed to water your lawn on certain days even!) but the faucet water in our building isn’t even safe to drink which is the bigger reason we have it. It must be amazing to have a well! But yeah, like Lacey said many people buy individual bottled water; getting it this way is more eco-friendly. We have our own plastic bottles we fill & take with us on the road. Sparkletts delivers the big ones once a month, or more if we need it.

How to ADHD

And they take the empties away so they are refillable, Sparkletts just does it for us :)

How to ADHD

It’s AMAZING that you’re aware of that and working on making space for him! I think a YouTube channel is a great outlet for that kind of energy (not that I’m biased or anything ;)) And yeah, the correction thing gets taxing...my brother was more externally problematic than I was so he got corrected/“worked with” *all the time* and he’s got a pretty terrible self esteem now as an adult :/ It’s hard to find the balance between “let’s help you be your best self” and “it’s okay to be you, you’re great as you are.” I got the “it’s okay to be you” half and wish I’d gotten more help, he wishes he’d gotten less. Also, I got a similar name in kindergarten— “messy jessy” :)


Wow...as a teacher I definitely struggle with trying to help all of my students learn and grow...it is very challenging, but it breaks my heart to hear that another teacher would call a child 'spacey Lacey' or 'messy Jessy'💔💔💔 I registered for the conference, shared about it on Facebook, & contacted 3 teachers from my school to check it out...2 with children of their own who are 'bright & quirky' & one who this week was sharing about a unique student of hers & how she had been encouraging the parent to see the pediatrician...she thought the parent might be interested in the conference when I was talking about it...after sharing the information with that teacher, she recommended talking to our principal about purchasing the all access...we shall see what happens! Hoping the conference helps me as a teacher, but also helps me understand myself better...just diagnosed last week.