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The app we mention is Flipd — but fair warning, on my phone the apps didn’t come back on their own, we had to go into settings and disable the management profile. Not hard, but not the way it’s supposed to work. Still trying to figure out why...
(Btw, this is why we test them!)


Day 86 — trying out apps for the next episode (Edward is miserable)



I personally use one called FocusMe. it's not just an app for your phone but it's also for your PC. It's not perfect but I like it, and if you're a student they'll give you a pretty good discount.


I do it the easy way, I load only necessary apps on my smart, which is not a year old. If I want to banking or Facebook I have to schedule time on my laptop to do it. A phone is a tool. And is great to catch up on things when sitting waiting for your doctors office or scheduling an appointment 6 months out on the same day and time you scheduled something. Someone was surprised I did not have my banking app on my phone. Like the commercial were the couple is is in bed fully dressed and more worried about depositing checks on their honeymoon. I am sorry that would be the last thing on my mind. Prorities.


I tried DigitalDetox and I recommend to stay away from it, it would randomly start detoxes, which would be fine, but they don't let you access your phoning app, messages they allow if you go in and set it to be allowed.. But yeah it bricks your phone and it's basically ransomeware cause you have to pay a small amount to get it unlocked(or uninstall it)


For my Android I use OffTime. I like it because I have it set to brick my phone at certain times -- 7AM-9AM is the big one. I can have a list of apps that are let through -- other productivity apps (any.do, remente, habitica), email and messenger for me, because I don't ever email or message people on my phone out of the blue, but if someone emails or messages me I HAVE to be able to respond...or I'll forget and not respond for days :P


I've tried a ton, and I think Thrive has been my favorite lately (that's the one you pinned on discord :)). I like that you can set time limits on certain apps without a full lockout, as well as that it automatically responds to people when you're away, since everyone expects an immediate response these days. Qualitytime is good too, but I noticed that it was eating my battery at one point so I switched....it may have been a bug in that version though so I might switch back. With that one I liked how you could whitelist certain things while on a break so you could still have access to Spotify to listen to focus music while working, for example. Lately I've also been using Forest a little bit too. It is like the lite mode Edward talked about where you have to keep it on that screen. If you go away, it kills your tree and you feel horrible. Thinking about responding immediately: it is so crazy that people younger than about...20 maybe? They don't understand what the world was like when you had to wait for things. You would call a friend to meet up, but they weren't home so you left a message on their answering machine and hoped they got back to you before that evening. And if you wanted to meet up at a crowded place, you better hope you know exactly where, because if you both showed up and didn't see each other...game over. Or if someone was late, they had no way of letting you know short of calling the place and having you paged if they had a PA. I can't really say if that was better or worse for Brains...I'm not sure if even Brains required less stimulation then since we were used to less...even if we still needed more than the guy next to us.


Oh, and it lets you For my computers I use ColdTurkey, which again locks me out of apps and websites for great swaths of the day. I unfortunately had to add Discord to that list >_>

How to ADHD

This is a great tip!! I used to not have Facebook on my phone too, it was really helpful that I had to go the extra step of opening my computer or at least using my phone's browser to get to it.

How to ADHD

ooo good to know. Yeah, I've tried a ton of different ones now and it's weird how many of them are glitchy to the point I can't even recommend them.

How to ADHD

ooo that's nice to be able to have a whitelist of allowed apps. Offtime must be better on Android than iPhone, it's pretty poorly rated in the app store but not on Google Play. I'll have to talk Edward into trying it on his phone :D

How to ADHD

Yeah Forest is the app that made me wanna do this episode, I LOVE it -- especially that you can help plant trees in real life :D

How to ADHD

Edward was loving Quality Time so good to know on the battery issues. It does seem a lot of these apps suck battery (although, as one pointed out, they also save battery since you don't use your phone as much! :) ) I'm still waiting for Thrive to come out on iOS, until then I'm stuck looking for alternatives...