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It has been a crazy ten days, and we are zapped.  Please enjoy – dog vloggery.



It has been a crazy ten days, and we are zapped. Please enjoy – dog vloggery.



Stop apologizing! I’m fully introverted and after peopling, I need a nap.


Those floofy ears on Brandy! 😍I am slightly more extroverted than introverted on Myers Briggs, but still very close so same. I get it. Love the analogy, Edward. Sums it up perfectly. You really don't need to apologize.


Judging from the Discord, this is a pretty common thing--to engage, OVER ENGAGE, whoa too much! pull back!!! :P I'm actually a little...???...over my friends who claim to be introverts and yet are constantly engaging over social media. Then again, they do seem to frequently complain of burnout (although they don't STOP, just start posting a ton of stuff about being burnt out...?) According to the Myers-Briggs I'm so dead center on everything that I'm ???J :P Taking a social media BREAK is healthy, especially given how UNhealthy social media over-exposure has proven to be. You've started a community, but you don't owe any more of yourself to anyone (even us patrons :P) than you WANT to give us. You owe much more of yourself to the pupperz and Edward :D


I am definitely an introverted extrovert! I like people and am not shy, but need time alone to re-charge. I love my time by myself....it also means I don't have to direct my thinking so much.


This just made my day -- Chloe is SO CUTE!!